JSON.parse Map想要String获取整数

时间:2013-01-11 05:24:54

标签: json dart

Dart很棒,就像编程一样。 IDE也很棒。 我遇到了Dart的问题(对我而言) JSON.parse函数。问题在我看来是一个字符串 是一个整数,它在Map中创建一个整数。这可能是不可取的 因为可能存在字符串字段包含数字的情况。 例如。一个只包含街道号码的地址。或者,也许我是 只是做错了。


String sId       = mAcctData['I_Id'];

我认为这有一个合理的解决方案,如果是的话,我愿意 感谢被告知

httpSubmitAccountNrLoadEnd(HttpRequest httpReq) {
  String sResponse = null;
  if (httpReq.status != 200) {
    print('On Http Submit Account Nr. There was an error : status =        ${httpReq.status}');
  } else {
    print("On Return from Http Submit Account Nr. no error - status =   ${httpReq.status}");
    sResponse = httpReq.responseText;

  print("Response From Submit Account Nr. = ${sResponse}"); // print the received raw     JSON text

  Map mAcctData = JSON.parse(sResponse);
  print ("Json data parsed to map");

  print ("Map 'S_Custname' = ${mAcctData['S_Custname']}");
  String sCustName = mAcctData['S_Custname'];

  print ("About to extract sId from Map data");
  String sId       = mAcctData['I_Id'];
  print ("sId has been extracted from Map data");

  String sAcctNr   = mAcctData['I_AcctNr'];
  String sAcctBal  = mAcctData['I_AcctBal'];

以下是控制台输出。 显示我遇到问题的一行是:

Exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'sId'.

 About to send http message
On Return from Http Submit Account Nr. no error - status = 200
Response From Submit Account Nr. = {"S_Custname":"James Bond","I_Id":1,"I_Acctnr":123456789,"I_AcctBal":63727272,"I_AvailBal":0}
Json data parsed to map
Map 'S_Custname' = James Bond

About to extract sId from Map data

Exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'sId'.

Stack Trace: #0 httpSubmitAccountNrLoadEnd (

1 submitAccountNr.submitAccountNr. (

Exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'sId'. Stack Trace: #0 httpSubmitAccountNrLoadEnd (

1 submitAccountNr.submitAccountNr. (


  1. 有解决方法吗? (例如,强制JSON.parse创建字符串)
  2. 有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题? (例如,直接从JSON字符串中提取数据)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我在sResponse mAcctData['I_Id']中看到的内容实际上是int

  "S_Custname": "James Bond",
  "I_Id": 1,
  "I_Acctnr": 123456789,
  "I_AcctBal": 63727272,
  "I_AvailBal": 0

因此,如果您希望获得String mAcctData['I_Id'],可以使用int.toString()

String sId = mAcctData['I_Id'].toString();

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    "S_Custname": "James Bond",
    "I_Id": "1",
    "I_Acctnr": "123456789",
    "I_AcctBal": "63727272",
    "I_AvailBal": "0"
