
时间:2013-01-11 00:25:42

标签: haskell data-kinds


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
module State where

data Strictness = Strict | Lazy
newtype State (t :: Strictness) s a = State (s -> (s, a))

returnState :: a -> State t s a
returnState x = State $ \s -> (s, x)

instance Monad (State Lazy s) where
  return = returnState
  State ma >>= amb = State $ \s -> case ma s of
    ~(s', x) -> runState (amb x) s'

instance Monad (State Strict s) where
  return = returnState
  State ma >>= amb = State $ \s -> case ma s of
    (s', x) -> runState (amb x) s'

get :: State t s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)

put :: s -> State t s ()
put s = State $ \_ -> (s, ())

你可以看到getput在严格和惰性类型上都没有任何重复 - 没有类型类实例,没有任何东西 - 。但是,即使我涵盖Strictness的两种可能情况,我也没有State t s a的Monad实例:

-- from http://blog.melding-monads.com/2009/12/30/fun-with-the-lazy-state-monad/
pro :: State t [Bool] ()
pro = do
  s <- get
  put (True : s)

-- No instance for (Monad (State t [Bool])) arising from a do statement


pro :: (Monad (State t [Bool])) => State t [Bool] ()
-- otherwise as before

然后我可以在tLazy实例化Strict并运行结果并获得我期望的结果。但为什么我必须提供这种背景?这是一个概念上的限制,还是一个实际限制?是否有一些原因我错过了为什么Monad (State t s a)实际上不存在,或者是否还没有办法说服GHC呢?

(旁白:使用上下文Monad (State t s) 工作:


Could not deduce (Monad (State t [Bool])) arising from a do statement   from the context (Monad (State t s))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


runState :: State t s a -> s -> (s,a)
runState (State f) s = f s

example :: s -> a
example = snd $ runState ((State undefined) >> return 1) ()

example = snd $ runState ((State undefined) >>= \_ -> return 1) ()
        = snd $ runState (State $ \s -> case undefined s of (s',_) -> (s',1)) ()
        = snd $ case undefined () of (s',_) -> (s',1)
        = snd $ case undefined of (s',_) -> (s',1)
        = snd undefined
        = undefined


example = snd $ runState ((State undefined) >>= \_ -> return 1) ()
        = snd $ runState (State $ \s -> case undefined s of ~(s',_) -> (s',1)) ()
        = snd $ case undefined () of ~(s',_) -> (s',1)
        = snd $ (undefined,1)
        = 1


class IsStrictness t where
   bindState :: State t s a -> (a -> State t s b) -> State t s b


instance IsStrictness t => Monad (State t s) where
   return = returnState
   (>>=) = bindState


data SingStrictness (t :: Strictness) where
   SingStrict :: SingStrictness Strict
   SingLazy   :: SingStrictness Lazy

class IsStrictness t where
   singStrictness :: SingStrictness t

bindState :: IsStrictness t => State t s a -> (a -> State t s b) -> State t s b
bindState ma' amb' = go singStrictness ma' amb' where
  go :: SingStrictness t -> State t s a -> (a -> State t s b) -> State t s b
  go SingStrict ma amb = ...
  go SingLazy ma amb = ...
使用GHC 7.6的singelton基础结构而不是自定义类和单例类型,可以进一步增强


instance SingI t => Monad (State t s)

真的不那么可怕。习惯在约束集中有很多SingI _。这就是它至少工作一段时间的方式,并不是那么难看。

至于为什么State t [Bool]无法从State t s中推导出来:问题是State t s位于您的顶级关联中,这意味着s在最外层被量化水平。你正在定义一个函数,它表示“对于任何t和s,Monad(State t s)我会给你......”。但是,这并没有说“因为Monad(State t [Bool])我会给你......”。遗憾的是,这些普遍量化的约束在Haskell中并不那么容易。