
时间:2013-01-10 15:40:24

标签: vba collections


  • Brantford $ 50.00
  • Brantford $ 25.00
  • Brantford $ 50.00
  • Windsor $ 200.00
  • 魁北克$ 25.00
  • 魁北克省100.00美元
  • 魁北克省$ 50.00
  • 魁北克省$ 50.00
  • 魁北克$ 25.00
  • 魁北克省$ 50.00
  • 魁北克省$ 50.00
  • 魁北克$ 25.00
  • 魁北克省100.00美元
  • 魁北克省$ 40.00
  • Windsor $ 140.00
  • Windsor $ 20.00
  • Windsor $ 20.00





Dim locdata As Object
Set locdata = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")  

For counter = 2 To max
    mykey = Cells(counter, loccol).value
    If Not (locdata.exists(mykey)) Then
        locdata.Add (mykey), New Collection
    End If
    locdata(mykey).Add (Cells(counter, donamountcol).value)
Next counter
For Each k In locdata.keys
    locname = k
    Cells(counter, 1) = k
    Cells(counter, 2) = locdata(k).Count
    donationtotal = 0
    For Each donvalue In locdata(k)
        donationtotal = donationtotal + donvalue
    Next donvalue
    Cells(counter, 3) = donationtotal
    Cells(counter, 4) = donationtotal / CDbl(locdata(k).Count)
    'Cells(counter, 5) = Application.mode(locdata(k)) doesn't work :(
    counter = counter + 1
Next k

编辑:理想情况下输出应该是(以魁北克为例) 魁北克省:数量:10总和:515平均值:51.5模式:50

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

以下是如何动态地将范围中的值转换为aarray。我会在VBA中使用 CountIF 来查找名称最常见的对象。因为您不知道location names或{{1然后,数组就是最佳选择。


更新:下面的Dim ar as Variant Dim endRow as Long 'get last row in the range endRow = Sheets(1).Cells(Sheets(1).Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'ar = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Shets(1).Range("A1:A12") 'using endrow ar = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Shets(1).Range("A1").resize(endRow).value) 使用一次迭代(for循环)来查找subroutine ..



enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我过去遇到过类似的情况。在我看来,excel中缺少一个非常强大的VBA函数 - 相当于MySQL中的“where”语句 所以我自己写了一个非常简单的...它缺乏很多功能,但它可以让你做你想要的,同时最大限度地减少你编写的代码量。
我选择调用我的函数subset(criteria, range1, range2)
在最简单的形式中,它返回range2中的元素,这些元素对应于range1中符合条件的元素。 这没有经过广泛测试,但我希望你能得到这个想法 顺便说一下,你可以在多个单元格中输入这个数组公式(shift-ctrl-enter);在这种情况下,你得到第一个单元格中的第一个返回元素,等等。当你有一个需要返回多个值的函数(例如一个范围)时,这是一个有用的技巧 - 但是对于这种情况你只需要结果提供给另一个功能。

Option Explicit
' Function subset(criteria, range1, range2)
' Return an array with the elements in range2 that correspond to
' elements in range1 that match "criteria"
' where "criteria" can be a string, or a value with a < = > sign in front of it

' example: =subset("bravo", A1:A10, B1:B10)
' returns all cells from B that corresponds to cells in A with "bravo"
' =subset("<10", A1:A10, B1:B10) returns all cells in B corresponding to
' cells in A with a value < 10
' This is analogous to the "where" function in SQL, but much more primitive

Function subset(criteria As String, range1 As Range, range2 As Range)
Dim c
Dim result
Dim ii, jj As Integer
On Error GoTo etrap

If range1.Cells.Count <> range2.Cells.Count Then Exit Function
ReDim result(1 To range1.Cells.Count)
ii = 1
jj = 1
For Each c In range1.Cells
If compare(c.Value, criteria) = 0 Then
  result(ii) = range2.Cells(jj).Value
  ii = ii + 1
End If
jj = jj + 1
Next c

If ii > 1 Then
ReDim Preserve result(1 To ii - 1)
subset = result
subset = Nothing
End If

Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Description
End Function

Private Function compare(a, b)
' type of a decides what kind of comparison we do
If TypeName(a) <> TypeName("hello") Then
' use numerical comparison
compare = Not (Evaluate(a & b))
' use string comparison
compare = StrComp(a, b, vbTextCompare)
End If
End Function

答案 2 :(得分:0)
