使用Youtube API V3和PHP将视频上传到Youtube

时间:2013-01-09 13:39:17

标签: php youtube-api google-api-php-client

我正在尝试使用PHP将视频上传到Youtube。我使用的是Youtube API v3,我使用的是最新检出的Google API PHP客户端库源代码 我正在使用上面给出的示例代码 https://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/执行身份验证。身份验证很顺利但是当我尝试上传视频时,我得到Google_ServiceException,错误代码为500,消息为null。

我看过前面提到的以下问题: Upload video to youtube using php client library v3但接受的答案并未说明如何指定要上传的文件数据 我发现了另一个类似的问题Uploading file with Youtube API v3 and PHP,其中在评论中提到categoryId是强制性的,因此我尝试在片段中设置categoryId,但它仍然给出相同的异常。



$youTubeService = new Google_YoutubeService($client);
if ($client->getAccessToken()) {
    print "Successfully authenticated";
    $snippet = new Google_VideoSnippet();
    $snippet->setTitle = "My Demo title";
    $snippet->setDescription = "My Demo descrition";
    $snippet->setTags = array("tag1","tag2");
    $snippet->setCategoryId(23); // this was added later after refering to another question on stackoverflow

    $status = new Google_VideoStatus();
    $status->privacyStatus = "private";

    $video = new Google_Video();

    $data = file_get_contents("video.mp4"); // This file is present in the same directory as the code
    $mediaUpload = new Google_MediaFileUpload("video/mp4",$data);
    $error = true;
    $i = 0;

    // I added this loop because on the sample python code on the documentation page
    // mentions we should retry if we get error codes 500,502,503,504
    $retryErrorCodes = array(500, 502, 503, 504);
    while($i < 10 && $error) {
            $ret = $youTubeService->videos->insert("status,snippet", 
                                                   array("data" => $data));

            // tried the following as well, but even this returns error code 500,
            // $ret = $youTubeService->videos->insert("status,snippet", 
            //                                        $video, 
            //                                        array("mediaUpload" => $mediaUpload); 
            $error = false;
        } catch(Google_ServiceException $e) {
            print "Caught Google service Exception ".$e->getCode()
                  . " message is ".$e->getMessage();
            if(!in_array($e->getCode(), $retryErrorCodes)){
    print "Return value is ".print_r($ret,true);

    // We're not done yet. Remember to update the cached access token.
    // Remember to replace $_SESSION with a real database or memcached.
    $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
} else {
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
    print "<a href='$authUrl'>Connect Me!</a>";


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


if($client->getAccessToken()) {
    $snippet = new Google_VideoSnippet();
    $snippet->setTitle("Test title");
    $snippet->setDescription("Test descrition");

    $status = new Google_VideoStatus();
    $status->privacyStatus = "private";

    $video = new Google_Video();

    $error = true;
    $i = 0;

    try {
        $obj = $youTubeService->videos->insert("status,snippet", $video,
                                        "mimeType" => "video/mp4"));
    } catch(Google_ServiceException $e) {
        print "Caught Google service Exception ".$e->getCode(). " message is ".$e->getMessage(). " <br>";
        print "Stack trace is ".$e->getTraceAsString();

答案 1 :(得分:3)


    // REPLACE this value with the path to the file you are uploading.
    $videoPath = "/path/to/file.mp4";

    $snippet = new Google_Service_YouTube_VideoSnippet();
    $snippet->setTitle("Test title");
    $snippet->setDescription("Test description");
    $snippet->setTags(array("tag1", "tag2"));

    // Numeric video category. See
    // https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videoCategories/list 

    // Set the video's status to "public". Valid statuses are "public",
    // "private" and "unlisted".
    $status = new Google_Service_YouTube_VideoStatus();
    $status->privacyStatus = "public";

    // Associate the snippet and status objects with a new video resource.
    $video = new Google_Service_YouTube_Video();

    // Specify the size of each chunk of data, in bytes. Set a higher value for
    // reliable connection as fewer chunks lead to faster uploads. Set a lower
    // value for better recovery on less reliable connections.
    $chunkSizeBytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

    // Setting the defer flag to true tells the client to return a request which can be called
    // with ->execute(); instead of making the API call immediately.

    // Create a request for the API's videos.insert method to create and upload the video.
    $insertRequest = $youtube->videos->insert("status,snippet", $video);

    // Create a MediaFileUpload object for resumable uploads.
    $media = new Google_Http_MediaFileUpload(

    // Read the media file and upload it chunk by chunk.
    $status = false;
    $handle = fopen($videoPath, "rb");
    while (!$status && !feof($handle)) {
      $chunk = fread($handle, $chunkSizeBytes);
      $status = $media->nextChunk($chunk);


    // If you want to make other calls after the file upload, set setDefer back to false

答案 2 :(得分:2)

我也意识到这是旧的,但是因为我从GitHub克隆了最新版本的php-client,我遇到了Google_Service_YouTube_Videos_Resource::insert() - 方法的问题。

我会传递一个数组,"data" => file_get_contents($pathToVideo)"mimeType" => "video/mp4"设置为insert()方法的参数,但我仍然继续(400)BadRequest 作为回报。


$part = 'status,snippet';
$optParams = array(
    "data" => file_get_contents($filename),
    "uploadType" => "media",  // This was needed in my case
    "mimeType" => "video/mp4",
$response = $youtube->videos->insert($part, $video, $optParams);


答案 3 :(得分:0)

答案是通过Google PHP client libraries使用Google_Http_MediaFileUpload。
