c ++:使用new运算符的动态数组

时间:2013-01-08 13:09:40

标签: c++ arrays pointers memory-leaks global-variables

用户输入我必须在数组中收集的书籍。 你能帮我理解为什么当我进入第二本书时,第一本书是第二本书吗? 我在全球范围内定义了BOOK aux ......


#define   stop __asm nop
#include "book.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

int counter = 0;
BOOK aux [1];

void print_catalogue()


void print_book(BOOK aBook)
    cout << endl;
    cout <<aBook.Autor<<", "<<aBook.Title<<", "<<aBook.Year<<", "<<aBook.PageCount<<", "<<aBook.Cost<<endl; 

void new_book()
    BOOK temp;
    cin.getline (temp.Autor, 20);
    cout <<"ENTERING NEW BOOK: " << endl <<endl;
    cout <<"Input the author: ";
    cin.getline (temp.Autor, 20);
    cout  <<"Input the title: ";
    cin.getline (temp.Title, 50);
    cout  <<"Input the year of publishing: ";
    cin >>  temp.Year;
    cout  <<"Input the number of pages: ";
    cin >>  temp.PageCount;
    cout  <<"Input the cost: ";
    cin >>  temp.Cost;
    cout << endl;   


    BOOK * pn = new BOOK [counter];
    if (counter > 0)
        memcpy(pn, aux, counter * sizeof(BOOK));    
    pn[counter - 1] = temp;

    BOOK * aux = new BOOK[counter];
    memcpy(aux,pn, counter * sizeof(BOOK));

    delete[] pn;

    for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)


void delete_books()


 void write_catalogue()


 void read_catalogue()


void menu()
    char command;

        cout << "p - Print the whole catalogue."<< endl;
        cout << "n - Input a new book." << endl;
        cout << "d - Delete existing book(s)." << endl;
        cout << "w - Write the catalogue to a file." << endl;
        cout << "r - Read the catalogue from a file." << endl;
        cout << "Input a new command: ";
        cin >> command;

        cout << endl << endl;
        switch (command) 
            case 'p': print_catalogue(); break;
            case 'n': new_book(); break;
            case 'd': delete_books(); break;
            case 'w': write_catalogue(); break;
            case 'r': read_catalogue(); break;
            case 'q': return;
            default : 
                    cout << "Please, enter a correct command." << endl;

    } while(true);

void main()


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你的全局aux是一个指向一个BOOK的常量指针 - aux [0]而不再是。你不能复制多个BOOK hier。 您重新定义了本地辅助,隐藏了全局。在函数new_book()返回后,你放在那里的是“泄漏”。

使用std :: string和容器,不要滥用指针和全局变量。