我对ImageMagick和java相对较新,并且在一个项目中使用ImageMagick 6.3.9 Q16和jmagick 6.3.9 Q16在窗口上显示围绕圆心0度圆的外部的文本。我们正在从PHP MagickWand移植现有的图像magick代码,但是由于以下差异,我认为java版本中每个字母在圆弧上的位置有点偏离。
MagickAnnotateImage($magick_wand, $drawing_wand, $origin_x + $x, $origin_y - $y, $angle, $character);
在jmagick中,annotateImage方法只接受一个参数,即DrawInfo,所以我最终得到了我认为唯一的另一种选择,即compositeImage方法。所以为了做到这一点,我将每个角色绘制为单独的绘图信息,然后将其注释为透明的png图像,然后通过rotateImage方法旋转该图像,然后使用compositeImage将其放置在我的画布图像上,但compositeImage仅处理x& y作为int值(并且不考虑角度)所以我正在舍入我的x& y double值(得到相同数量的小数或更多像php版本只是用来排除那个),我怀疑这是将字符放在圆圈上的主要原因。
执行工作的代码如下所示,Article是字体文件的本地路径(例如:E:\ WCDE_ENT70 \ workspace \ Stores \ WebContent \ AdminArea \ CoordsCenterSection \ fonts \ ARIALN.TTF),nameNumStr是字符串要在圆上渲染(例如:SAMUELSON),fsize是字体的磅值(例如:32),colorStr是字体颜色名称(例如:黑色),radVal是半径(例如:120),poix是x原点开始坐标(例如:150),poiy是y起始坐标(例如:150):
public byte[] getArcedImage(String Article, String nameNumStr, int fsize, String colorStr, int radVal, int poix, int poiy)
try {
Font f = null;
try {
f = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new FileInputStream(Article.replaceAll("%20"," ")));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (FontFormatException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
String fontName = f.getName();
// Use awt's font metrics since jmagick doesn't have font metrics built in like php magickwand does
FontMetrics fm = createFontMetrics(new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fsize));
int strImgW = fm.stringWidth(nameNumStr);
int strImgH = fm.getHeight();
String spacerImg = "E:\\WCDE_ENT70\\workspace\\Stores\\WebContent\\AdminArea\\CoordsCenterSection\\images\\600x600.png";
//Read in large 600 png first as our main canvas
ImageInfo bi = new ImageInfo(spacerImg);
MagickImage bmi = new MagickImage(bi);
// Make canvas image transparent
//defaults or param vals
final int radius = radVal;
final int origin_x = poix;
final int origin_y = poiy;
final int center_text_on = 0;
final int charXGeom = 150;
final int charYGeom = 150;
double circumference = 0;
double percentage = 0;
double degrees = 0;
double start = 0;
double current_degree = 0;
double angle = 0;
double angle_adjustment = 0;
double character_center = 0;
* Calculate the circumference of the drawn circle and label the image
* with it.
circumference = (2 * Math.PI * radius);
* Calculate the percentage of the circumference that the string will
* consume.
percentage = strImgW / circumference;
* Convert this percentage into something practical - degrees.
degrees = 360 * percentage;
* Because the string is centered, we need to calculate the starting point
* of the string by subtracting half of the required degrees from the
* anticipated center mark.
start = center_text_on - (degrees / 2);
* Initialize our traversal starting point.
current_degree = start;
ImageInfo ci = null;
MagickImage cmi = null;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
int finalStrWidth = 0;
int charImgW = 0;
int charImgH = 0;
for (int i=0; i<nameNumStr.length(); i++)
* Isolate the appropriate character.
String charVal = nameNumStr.substring(i, i+1);
charImgW = fm.stringWidth(charVal);
charImgH = strImgH;
ci = new ImageInfo(spacerImg);
cmi = new MagickImage(ci);
// Create Rectangle for cropping character image canvas to final width and height
Rectangle charRect = new Rectangle(0,0,charImgW,charImgH);
// Crop image to final width and height
cmi = cmi.cropImage(charRect);
// Make image transparent
// Set a draw info for each character
DrawInfo cdi = new DrawInfo(ci);
// Set Opacity
// Set Gravity
// Set Fill Color
// Set Font Size
// Set Font
cdi.setFont(Article.replaceAll("%20"," "));
// Set the text
// Make the text smoother
// Annotate the draw info to make the character image
// For debug purposes
finalStrWidth += charImgW;
* Calculate the percentage of the circumference that the character
* will consume.
percentage = charImgW / circumference;
* Convert this percentage into something practical - degrees.
degrees = 360 * percentage;
* Calculate the x and y axis adjustments to make, based on the origin
* of the circle, so we can place each letter.
x = radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(current_degree));
y = radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(current_degree));
// Rotate the character image to the angle
cmi = cmi.rotateImage(angle);
// Composite character image to main canvas image
bmi.compositeImage(CompositeOperator.HardLightCompositeOp, cmi, (int)Math.round((origin_x+x)), (int)Math.round((origin_y-y)));
// Increment the degrees
current_degree += degrees;
bmi = bmi.trimImage();
byte[] pi = bmi.imageToBlob(ci);
return pi;
} catch (MagickException e) {
return null;
private FontMetrics createFontMetrics(Font font)
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
bi = null;
return fm;
private Rectangle2D createFontRectangle(Font font, String strVal)
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(strVal, g);
bi = null;
return rect;
我不是肯定的,但似乎setGeometry是唯一可能指定角度的方法,因为jmagick的annotateImage实现只接受Draw Info作为它的参数。