
时间:2012-12-30 22:33:20

标签: f#


let buttonGrid : Button list list = (Startup ar);;

//transform buttongrid to int grid
let rec bg2ig (bg:Button list list) = 
    let rec innerLoop (bl:Button list) =
        match bl with
        |[] -> []
        |x::xs -> if (x.Name = "0") then 0::(innerLoop xs) else 1::(innerLoop xs)
    match bg with
    |[] -> []
    |y::ys -> (innerLoop y)::(bg2ig ys)

let Update (bg:Button list list)=
    let ar = (bg2ig bg)
    let rec innerUpdate (bg:Button list list)= 
        let rec arrayLoop (bl:Button list) y = 
            match bl with
            |[] -> 0
            |x::xs -> 
                let X = (15-xs.Length)
                let n = (neighbors X y ar)
                if  (ar.[X].[y] = 0) then (if n=3 then buttonGrid.[X].[y].Name<-"1") else (if (n=2||n=3)=false then buttonGrid.[X].[y].Name<-"0")
                if buttonGrid.[15-xs.Length].[y].Name="0" 
                then buttonGrid.[15-xs.Length].[y].BackColor <- Color.White 
                else buttonGrid.[15-xs.Length].[y].BackColor <- Color.Black
                arrayLoop xs y
        match bg with
        |[] -> []
        |y::ys -> 
            ignore (arrayLoop y (15-ys.Length)) 
            innerUpdate ys
    innerUpdate bg

let Running = async {
    let rec SubRun (x:int) =
        ignore (Update buttonGrid)
        if x = 1 then
            SubRun 1
    ignore (SubRun 1)
    do! Async.Sleep(1000)

let RunAll() = 
    |> Async.RunSynchronously
    |> ignore

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



除此之外,执行实际循环的SubRun函数也需要异步 - 所以我希望循环的主要部分看起来像这样:

let Running = async {
    let rec SubRun (x:int) = 
        // Perform update and then sleep before recursive call
        ignore (Update buttonGrid)
        do! Async.Sleep(1000)
        if x = 1 then
            return! SubRun 1
            return 0 }

    // Start the loop and asynchronously ignore the result
    SubRun 1 |> Async.Ignore

let RunAll() = 
    // Start the computation immediately on the current threada
    Running |> Async.StartImmediate

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Tomas Petricek解决了我遇到的最初问题,但为了使事情正确,我最终以不同的方式解决了问题。我认为我最初的问题可能源于错误地更新表格或根本没有,因此看起来非常错误。


let rec async1(syncContext, form : System.Windows.Forms.Form, cancellationSource:CancellationTokenSource, (limit:int)) =
    async {
        do! Async.SwitchToContext(syncContext)
        ignore (Update buttonGrid)

        do! Async.SwitchToThreadPool()

        do! Async.Sleep(300)
        if limit > 1 then
            ignore (Async.Start (async1(syncContext, form, cancellationSource, (limit-1)),cancellationSource.Token))
        else if limit = -1 then
            ignore (Async.Start (async1(syncContext, form, cancellationSource, limit),cancellationSource.Token))


let b = new Button(Location=new Point(50,500), Text=("Run"), Width=100, Height=40)
let btnPause = new Button(Location=new Point(150, 500), Text="Stop", Width=100, Height=40, Enabled=false)
b.Click.Add(fun _ -> 
    let cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
    b.Enabled <- false
    btnPause.Enabled <- true
    btnSave.Enabled <- false
    btnLoad.Enabled <- false
    btnStep.Enabled <- false
    inputBox.Enabled <- false
    btnPause.Click.Add(fun _ -> 
        b.Enabled <- true
        btnPause.Enabled <- false
        btnSave.Enabled <- true
        btnLoad.Enabled <- true
        btnStep.Enabled <- true
        inputBox.Enabled <- true
    ignore (Async.Start (async1(syncContext, form, cancellationSource, (int inputBox.Text)),cancellationSource.Token))
    ignore (inputBox.Text <- "0"))
