找到阵列中1 ... k的最长排列?

时间:2012-12-30 17:31:32

标签: algorithm permutation

给出了一个N个整数序列。如何找到形成排列的相邻数字的最长子序列的长度。我只发现了O(N ^ 2)算法。我认为应该有O(NlogN)甚至是O(N)解决方案。请建议任何一个。

此序列1 3 1 2 5的答案是3(4 1 3 1 2 5)


O(N ^ 2)算法

Foreach i find the sum of first i elemetns: Sum(i)

Foreach i find the last element with indexes 1 .. i-1 which is equal to i-rd element: Prev(i)

Foreach i iterate j throw i+1 .. N while Prev(j) equals between i and j. 
//So we get that all elemnent between i and j are distinct. 

Then check if sum of them is equal to 1+2+...(j-i+1). 
    If it occurs that elements are permutation. 
    Sum of the elements between i and j we can get by Sum(j) - Sum(i-1)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-2)


Input: ListOfElements={el_1, el_2,...,el_N}
  while(VerifyIfIsPermutation(permutation U el)=false)
print permutation

该算法具有O(n ^ 2)复杂度。如果先前已排序的数组,您可以降低此复杂性 生成置换的另一种方法是对该列表使用随机shuffle。此外,您可以在元素之间使用多个旋转,从而保证不会重复生成的排列。