
时间:2012-12-29 17:36:14

标签: facebook api posting

video we made in 2010一样,我们今年再次播放新年快乐视频,其中包含我们所有Facebook和非Facebook朋友的名字。

2010年,我们有一个自定义应用程序,用于在我们每个朋友的墙上张贴一条定制的消息,例如“亲爱的XXX,祝你新年快乐,这个视频在1分24秒内出现。 “



我们可能会使用GreaseMonkey / Javascript和Dialog API脚本来使用我们的应用程序,但我们仍然担心收到一些安全警告。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

一个确认:尝试仅通过直接Send Dialog API潜在客户(发送大约60封邮件后)向Facebook服务器端发送错误(错误500,甚至空白页面)。


  1. 尝试通过直接Feed Dialog API
  2. 发送Feed消息
  3. 测试是否可行,
  4. 如果不成功(时间线被用户阻止),请通过Send Dialog API发送正常消息。
  5. 在所有情况下,对话URL都必须有redirect_uri参数,该参数必须指向应用程序拥有的URL。所以app_id也是强制性的。


    以下是GreaseMonkey / TamperMonkey代码示例:

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name       NameOfYourScript
    // @namespace  NamespaceOfYourScript
    // @version    VersionOfYourScript
    // @description  enter something useful
    // @match      https://*/*
    // @copyright  2012+, You
    // @require     https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js
    // @grant       GM_getValue
    // @grant       GM_setValue
    // @grant       GM_openInTab
    // ==/UserScript==
    var baseapppage = "<URL of a page owned by your application>";
    var baseapppagehost = "apps.facebook.com"; var baseapppagepath = "<path to your app>"; 
    //Call baseapppage+"?startfbscript=0" to launch the script
    //0 is the index at which you want to start
    var appid = "<APP ID of the application>";
    var titleofvideo ="<title of video>";
    var facebook_ids = [
        //put the list of the people to contact here
    {"id":"<facebook id of one person>","":"<other arguments for the message>"},
    var video_url = "<URL of the video to share>";
    var message = "<Template of the message to share, with <placeholders> for the person objects>"+
        "\n\nLink of video:"+
    //"feed" or "send" (note that "send" only will block you...)
    var default_mode = "feed";
    //if you lower this, it will be quicker, but may lead to an error
    var temporisation = 5*1000;
    //updating placeholders in message
    function updatemessage(o) {
        var str = message;
        for (var p in o) {
            str = str.replace(new RegExp("<"+p+">","ig"),o[p])
        return str;
    var automatic = true;
    function getQueryVariable(variable) {
        var query = document.location.search.substring(1);
        var vars = query.split('&');
        for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
            var pair = vars[i].split('=');
            if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
                return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
        console.log('Query variable %s not found', variable);
    //creating URLs
    function createURL(baseurl,data) {
        var datastr = "";
        for (var k in data) {
            if (datastr.length) datastr += "&";
            datastr += encodeURIComponent(k)+"="+   encodeURIComponent(data[k]);
        var separator = baseurl.lastIndexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?";
        return baseurl + separator + datastr;
    //arguments for feed page
    var feed_arguments = {
        //"":"", //caption, description...
    //arguments for send page
    var send_arguments = {
    //function to open direct dialog API, in mode "feed" or "send", directed to some facebook id
    function relocateto(mode, to) {
        var arguments = mode == "feed" ? feed_arguments : send_arguments;
        var baseurl = mode == "feed" ? "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed" : "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/send";
        arguments['to'] = to;
        var new_url = createURL(baseurl,arguments);
        if (parseInt(""+GM_getValue("indice",-1)) % 20 == 0) {
            //note : fake reload in other tab because of Chrome memory "leak".
            //Close finished tags to keep memory low.
            console.log("run 'fake reload'...");
            function fake_reload() {
                GM_openInTab(new_url, {active: false, insert: true});
                // close the current window some ms later to allow the insert magic to detect this' tab position
                //note that it unfortunately doesn't work
                window.setTimeout(window.close, 1);
            window.setTimeout(fake_reload, 3000);
        } else {
            document.location = new_url;
    //wall post page
    if (document.location.host == "www.facebook.com" && document.location.pathname == "/dialog/feed") {
        var indice = parseInt(""+GM_getValue("indice",-1));
        if (indice < 0 || indice >= facebook_ids.length) return;
        if (jQuery("input[name=publish]").length) {
            var mes = updatemessage(facebook_ids[indice]);
            setTimeout(function() {
                if (automatic) jQuery("input[name=publish]").click();
        } else {
            //impossible to send wall message -> send dialog
            relocateto("send", getQueryVariable("to"));
    //send post page
    if (document.location.host == "www.facebook.com" && document.location.pathname == "/dialog/send") {
        var indice = parseInt(""+GM_getValue("indice",-1));
        if (indice < 0 || indice >= facebook_ids.length) return;
        if (jQuery("input[name=publish]").length) {
            var mes = updatemessage(facebook_ids[indice]);
            setTimeout(function() {
                if (automatic) jQuery("input[name=publish]").click();
        } else {
            //impossible to send normal message -> dialogue
            alert("Impossible to send message... index="+indice+" for "+getQueryVariable("to")+"-"+facebook_ids[indice].id);
    //start or end page
    if (document.location.host == baseapppagehost && document.location.pathname == baseapppagepath) {
        if (getQueryVariable("startfbscript")) {
            var i = getQueryVariable("startfbscript")
            relocateto(default_mode, facebook_ids[i].id);
        } else if (getQueryVariable("currentfbscript") && GM_getValue("mode","feed") == "feed" && document.location.search.indexOf("post_id") < 0) {
            //it didn't work -> sending normal message
            relocateto("send", GM_getValue("lastname",facebook_ids[0].id));
        } else if (getQueryVariable("currentfbscript") && (
                    (GM_getValue("mode","feed") == "feed" && getQueryVariable("post_id"))
                    || (GM_getValue("mode","feed") == "send" && getQueryVariable("success")))) {
            //it worked -> next name !
            var indice = parseInt(""+GM_getValue("indice",0));
            if (indice >= facebook_ids.length) {
            } else {
                console.log("Next id to send to: "+facebook_ids[indice].id);
                jQuery("#pagelet_iframe_canvas_content").html("<br><br/> Running script : " 
                                                              + indice +"/"+facebook_ids.length 
                                                              +"<br> Next : "
            var nextname = facebook_ids[indice].id;
            //next post
            setTimeout (function (){
                relocateto(default_mode, nextname);
            }, temporisation); 
        } else {
            //why are we here if the script is running ? Problem with facebook...
            if (parseInt(""+GM_getValue("indice",0)) < facebook_ids.length) {
                alert("Impossible to post message. Current index = "+GM_getValue("indice",0)+" for "+facebook_ids[parseInt(""+GM_getValue("indice",0))].id);