Excel / VBA:转置和“刷新”表

时间:2012-12-29 08:38:19

标签: excel vba excel-vba


  1. 我想要移植一个数据表。
  2. 然后“向左冲”。
  3. 随着时间的推移,行数和列数将增加。下面的屏幕截图应该更好地解释(使用SkyDrive):http://sdrv.ms/UdDu1o

    enter image description here

    我能想到这样做的唯一方法是使用VBA,通过pastespecial-transpose和许多do-while语句在复制之前查找行的开头和结尾。我知道复制和粘贴往往会减慢VBA程序 - 有没有人有更好的建议?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

表格布局如下图所示 示例电子表格:http://www.bumpclub.ee/~jyri_r/Excel/Transpose_and_flush_data.xls

输出列标题:=OFFSET($B$2;C15;$A16),从C16复制到右侧 输出行标题:=OFFSET($B$2;0;$A17),从B17向下复制 辅助单元:A列中的输出表数据行号,第15行中的数据列号。





答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以使用Variant Array

Sub Demo()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim rSource As Range
    Dim vSource As Variant

    Set sh = ActiveSheet
    ' set range to top left cell of table
    Set rSource = sh.Cells(1, 1) '<-- adjust to suit
    ' extend range
    '  this assumes there are no gaps in the top row or left column
    Set rSource = sh.Range(rSource.End(xlDown), rSource.End(xlToRight))
    With rSource
        ' remove Totals

        ' capture source data
        vSource = rSource
        ' clear old data
        ' transpose and place data back
        sh.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Columns.Count, .Rows.Count)) = _
    End With
End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:1)

ok - 已经使用Chris的代码作为模板,并且在进行转置之前有效地添加了两行额外的代码以消除空白:

Sub ThisWorks()

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rSource As Range
Dim vSource As Variant

Set sh = ActiveSheet
' set range to top left cell of table
Set rSource = sh.Cells(5, 3) '<-- adjust to suit
' extend range
'  this assumes there are no gaps in the top row or left column
Set rSource = sh.Range(rSource.End(xlDown), rSource.End(xlToRight))
With rSource
    ' remove Totals
End With
'reset rSource
Set rSource = sh.Range(rSource.End(xlDown), rSource.End(xlToRight))

With rSource
    ' delete the blanks - not as tricky as you mentioned in OP!!
    .SpecialCells(Excel.xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Excel.xlUp
    ' capture source data
    vSource = rSource
    ' clear old data
    ' transpose and place data back
    sh.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Columns.Count, .Rows.Count)) = Application.Transpose(vSource)
End With

End Sub

在做上述操作之前,我花了90分钟将头撞在一堵砖墙上 - 我试图将所有值添加到一个数组中,然后将它们清空,以便顺序正确。如果你能看到如何让以下工作,请告诉我,因为我确信它是可能的!! ...

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Sub ThisDoesNOTwork()

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rSource As Range
Dim vSource As Variant

Set sh = ActiveSheet
' set range to top left cell of table
Set rSource = sh.Cells(5, 3) '<-- adjust to suit
' extend range
'  this assumes there are no gaps in the top row or left column
Set rSource = sh.Range(rSource.End(xlDown), rSource.End(xlToRight))
With rSource
    ' remove Totals
End With
'reset rSource
Set rSource = sh.Range(rSource.End(xlDown), rSource.End(xlToRight))

Dim tableWidth As Integer
tableWidth = rSource.Rows.Count

Dim numbers() As Variant
ReDim numbers(rSource.Cells.Count)

'add numbers into the array
Dim x, y, z As Integer
z = 1
For y = 1 To rSource.Columns.Count
    For x = 1 To rSource.Rows.Count
            numbers(z) = rSource(x, y)
            z = z + 1

' clear old data

'empty the array
Dim myValue
Dim i As Integer
Dim blanks As Integer
i = 0
blanks = 0

Dim c As Integer
For c = 1 To UBound(numbers)

        i = i + 1
        If numbers(i) = "" Then
            blanks = blanks + 1
            rSource.Cells(i) = numbers(c)
        End If

Next c
Debug.Print blanks

End Sub

答案 3 :(得分:0)


Sub Transpose_and_flush_table()

Dim source_array As Variant
Dim target_array As Variant
Dim source_column_counter As Long
Dim source_row_counter As Long
Dim blanks As Long

Const row_index = 1
Const col_index = 2

source_array = Selection.Value
' source_array(row,column)

ReDim target_array(UBound(source_array, col_index), UBound(source_array, row_index))

For source_column_counter = _
    LBound(source_array, col_index) To UBound(source_array, col_index)
       blanks = 0

      'Count blank cells
      For source_row_counter = _
         LBound(source_array, row_index) To UBound(source_array, row_index)
           If source_array(source_row_counter, source_column_counter) = "" Then
              blanks = blanks + 1
           End If

      'Replace blanks, shift array elements to the left
      For source_row_counter = _
         LBound(source_array, row_index) To UBound(source_array, row_index) - blanks
           source_array(source_row_counter, source_column_counter) = _
             source_array(source_row_counter + blanks, source_column_counter)

      'Add blanks to the end
      For source_row_counter = _
        UBound(source_array, row_index) - blanks + 1 To UBound(source_array, row_index)
           source_array(source_row_counter, source_column_counter) = ""

      'Transpose source and target arrays
      For source_row_counter = _
         LBound(source_array, row_index) To UBound(source_array, row_index)
             target_array(source_column_counter, source_row_counter) = _
            source_array(source_row_counter, source_column_counter)


Range("Vba_output").Offset(-1, -1).Resize(UBound(target_array, row_index) + 1, _
  UBound(target_array, col_index) + 1) = target_array

End Sub