
时间:2012-12-25 05:17:14

标签: php yii

您好我正在使用yii框架,我已经在Layout / main.php中编写了如下代码

 array('label'=>'Dashboard', 'url'=>array('/site/todays_task'),'visible'=>$user-checkAccess('Team Leader,employee')),

并在我的Protected / component / WebUser.php代码中如下

public function checkAccess($operation, $params=array())
    if (empty($this->id)) 
         // Not identified => no rights
         return false;
    $role = $this->getState("Role");
    if ($role === 'admin') {
         return true; // admin role has access to everything
    if (strstr($operation,$role) !== false) { // Check if multiple roles are available
         return true;
         // allow access if the operation request is the current user's role
         return ($operation === $role);

因此管理员可以看到仪表板链接,也因为管理员可以访问webuser checkaccess方法中的所有内容,我想隐藏该仪表板链接到管理员

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public function checkAccessNoAdmin($operation, $params=array())
    if (empty($this->id)) 
         // Not identified => no rights
         return false;
    $role = $this->getState("Role");
    if ($role === 'admin') {
         return false; // admin role has no access here
    if (strstr($operation,$role) !== false) { // Check if multiple roles are available
         return true;
         // allow access if the operation request is the current user's role
         return ($operation === $role);

array('label'=>'Dashboard', 'url'=>array('/site/todays_task'),'visible'=>$user-checkAccessNoAmdin('Team Leader,employee'))