
时间:2012-12-23 13:43:00

标签: vb.net xsl-fo





我认为我的问题是wbp.WeekDay = strCurrDay或者我的.fo有问题吗?


Public Shared Function WeeklyBPlanPDFExport() As List(Of WeeklyBPlan)

        Dim allBookings As List(Of WeeklyBPlan) = New List(Of WeeklyBPlan)

        Dim s As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
        Dim kw As Integer = DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, Now, , FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFourDays)
        If DatePart(DateInterval.Weekday, Now, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday) = 6 Then
            kw = kw + 1
        End If
        Dim CurrDateFirstDay As Date = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, ReturnDateForWeekNumber(kw))
        For i = 1 To 7
            Dim strCurrDay As String = ""

            strCurrDay = FormatDateTime(CurrDateFirstDay, DateFormat.LongDate)

            CurrDateFirstDay = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, CurrDateFirstDay)

            Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT  d.SEATING, d.ROOMID, d.ID, d.PERSONS, d.ADDRESS+ ', ' + d.ROOMDESCRIPTION AS ROOMDESCRIPTION , d.EVENT,  p.VN + ' ' + p.NN AS NAME, CONVERT (char(5), d.FROM, 108) + ' - ' + CONVERT (char(5), d.TO, 108) AS TIME, p.TEL FROM VIEW_RAUMBUCHUNG_DISPO AS d INNER JOIN PERSONAL AS p ON d.PERSONAL_ID = p.ID WHERE CONVERT(char, d.FROM, 104)='" & to_104(strCurrDay) & "'"
            Dim objRS As SqlDataReader
            Dim objRS2 As SqlDataReader
            objRS = SQLrunReaderWB(strSQL)

            If objRS.HasRows Then

                While objRS.Read()

                    Dim wbp = New WeeklyBPlan

                    wbp.WeekDay = strCurrDay

                    wbp.Raum = objRS("ROOMDESCRIPTION")
                    wbp.Zeit = objRS("TIME")

                    If Not IsDBNull(objRS("EVENT")) Then
                        wbp.Thema = objRS("EVENT")
                    End If

                    If Not IsDBNull(objRS("NAME")) Then
                        wbp.Mieter = objRS("NAME")
                    End If

                    wbp.Personen = objRS("PERSONS")
                    wbp.Bestuhlung = objRS("SEATING")


                End While

            End If

        Return allBookings

    End Function



                 <!--this defines a title level 1 -->


                      <xsl:value-of select=".//WeekDay" />

                <!-- table start -->
                <fo:table table-layout="fixed" border="solid" border-collapse="collapse" border-width="0.5pt">
                    <fo:table-column column-width="25mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="12mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="20mm"/>
                                <fo:table-column column-width="50mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="20mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="25mm"/>
                                <fo:table-column column-width="10mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="30mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="35mm"/>
                    <fo:table-column column-width="35mm"/>
                                <fo:block background-color="grey"
                      color="white" text-align="center">Room</fo:block>
                                <fo:block background-color="grey"
                      color="white" text-align="center">Time</fo:block>

                                <fo:block background-color="grey"
                      color="white" text-align="center">Event</fo:block>

                                <fo:block background-color="grey"
                      color="white" text-align="center">Persons</fo:block>
                            <fo:block background-color="grey"
                      color="white" text-align="center">Seating</fo:block>

                      <xsl:for-each select=".//WochenBPlan">
                                <fo:table-cell  border-right-width="0.5pt" border-right-style="solid"  border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-style="solid" padding-right="6pt" padding-left="6pt" >
                                    <fo:block font-family="Arial" font-size="9pt"  padding="2pt">
                                        <xsl:value-of select=".//Room" />
                                <fo:table-cell border-right-width="0.5pt" border-right-style="solid" border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-style="solid">
                                    <fo:block font-family="Arial" font-size="9pt"  padding="2pt"  text-align="center">
                                        <xsl:value-of select=".//Time" />

                                <fo:table-cell border-right-width="0.5pt" border-right-style="solid"  border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-style="solid" padding-left="6pt" padding-right="6pt">

                                       <fo:block font-family="Arial" font-size="9pt"  padding="2pt" wrap-option="no-wrap" >
                                        <xsl:value-of select=".//Event" />


                              <fo:table-cell border-right-width="0.5pt" border-right-style="solid" border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-style="solid">
                                <fo:block font-family="Arial" font-size="9pt"  padding="2pt" text-align="center">
                                  <xsl:value-of select=".//Persons" />
                              <fo:table-cell border-right-width="0.5pt" border-right-style="solid" border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-style="solid"> 
                                <fo:block  font-family="Arial" font-size="9pt" padding="2pt" text-align="center">
                                  <xsl:value-of select=".//Seating" />


                  <!-- table end -->

                <fo:block id="lastBlock"/>


public class WochenBPlan
    public WochenBPlan()


    public string Raum { get; set; }
    public DateTime Erstellt { get { return DateTime.Now; } set { } }
    public string Zeit { get; set; }
    public string Bereich { get; set; }
    public string Thema { get; set; }
    public string Mieter { get; set; }
    public string Mieter_Tel { get; set; }
    public string Personen { get; set; }
    public string Bestuhlung { get; set; }
    public string Bemerkung { get; set; }
    public string Ausstattung { get; set; }
    public string WochenTag { get; set; }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




     Public Class WochenBPlan 
      'I've learn that it is best to declare class variables private and then expose them through public properties as follows
       Private _Raum As String, _Zeit As String, _Bereich As String, _Thema As String
       Private _Mieter As String, _Mieter_Tel As String, _Personen As String
       Private _Bestuhlung As String, _Bemerkung As String, _Ausstattung As String
       Private _WochenTag As String, _Erstellt As DateTime

       Public Property Raum As String
            Return _Raum
         End Get
         Set(value As String)
           _Raum = value
         End Set
        End Property
       ' So on and so forth for the remaining....

      ' Adding some functionality

      ' Default Constructor
      Public Sub New()
       ' Set all private variables to what you want (I tend to set them to Nothing, unless I need them to be some value)
      End Sub

      Public Sub New(ByVal theDay As String, ByVal theRoom As String, ByVal theTime As String(I'm not sure what type you have that has), ByVal thePersons As String, ByVal theSeating As String)
     _WeekDay(Or the German word for it) = theDay
     _Raum = theRoom
     _Zeit = theTime
     _Personen = thePersons
     _Bestuhlung = theSeating
     ' Declare rest to nothing/null
     End Sub
    ' Add Whatever Else You May Want
      End Class


         While objRS.Read()

                Dim wbp = New WeeklyBPlan(strCurrDay, objRS("ROOMDESCRIPTION"), objRS("TIME"),objRS("PERSONS"))

                If Not IsDBNull(objRS("EVENT")) Then
                    wbp.Thema = objRS("EVENT")
                End If

                If Not IsDBNull(objRS("NAME")) Then
                    wbp.Mieter = objRS("NAME")
                End If


            End While

我不确定这是否有效,但很有可能,所以如果有的话请告诉我,否则我会继续工作直到我们弄明白。您可以将这些'If'语句添加到重载的'New'语句中,然后您可以执行allBookings.Add(New WeeklyBPlan(...))