
时间:2009-09-09 09:57:53

标签: python time timezone



cur = <Get the current time, perhaps datetime.datetime.now()>
print("Local time   {}".format(cur))
print("Pacific time {}".format(<something like cur.tz('PST')>))
print("Israeli time {}".format(<something like cur.tz('IST')>))

11 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:101)


from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone    

south_africa = timezone('Africa/Johannesburg')
sa_time = datetime.now(south_africa)
print sa_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')

答案 1 :(得分:51)


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import pytz
>>> utc = pytz.utc
>>> utc.zone
>>> eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
>>> eastern.zone
>>> amsterdam = pytz.timezone('Europe/Amsterdam')
>>> fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z'

>>> loc_dt = eastern.localize(datetime(2002, 10, 27, 6, 0, 0))
>>> print loc_dt.strftime(fmt)
2002-10-27 06:00:00 EST-0500

>>> ams_dt = loc_dt.astimezone(amsterdam)
>>> ams_dt.strftime(fmt)
'2002-10-27 12:00:00 CET+0100'

答案 2 :(得分:9)


>>> cur=time.time()
>>> os.environ["TZ"]="US/Pacific"
>>> time.tzset()
>>> time.strftime("%T %Z", time.localtime(cur))
'03:09:51 PDT'
>>> os.environ["TZ"]="GMT"
>>> time.strftime("%T %Z", time.localtime(cur))
'10:09:51 GMT'

答案 3 :(得分:7)

Python 3.9 pytzdeprecated,因为您现在在标准库中有zoneinfo

from datetime import datetime, timezone
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

now_UTC = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
now_local = now_UTC.astimezone(None)

pacifictz, israeltz = ZoneInfo('US/Pacific'), ZoneInfo('Israel')
now_pst, now_ist = now_UTC.astimezone(pacifictz), now_UTC.astimezone(israeltz)

print(f"Local time   {now_local.isoformat()}")
print(f"Pacific time {now_pst.isoformat()}")
print(f"Israeli time {now_ist.isoformat()}")
# Local time   2020-08-28T09:03:30.710001+02:00
# Pacific time 2020-08-28T00:03:30.710001-07:00
# Israeli time 2020-08-28T10:03:30.710001+03:00

Python的旧版本 :您可以通过backports模块使用zoneinfo,也可以使用dateutil。 dateutil的tz.gettz遵循与zoneinfo.ZoneInfo相同的语义:

from dateutil.tz import gettz

pacifictz, israeltz = gettz('US/Pacific'), gettz('Israel')
now_pst, now_ist = now_UTC.astimezone(pacifictz), now_UTC.astimezone(israeltz)

print(f"Pacific time {now_pst.isoformat()}")
print(f"Israeli time {now_ist.isoformat()}")
# Pacific time 2020-08-28T00:03:30.710001-07:00
# Israeli time 2020-08-28T10:03:30.710001+03:00

答案 4 :(得分:2)


from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone

def local_time(zone='Asia/Jerusalem'):
    other_zone = timezone(zone)
    other_zone_time = datetime.now(other_zone)
    return other_zone_time.strftime('%T')

答案 5 :(得分:1)




#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timezone

utc_dt = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
IST = pytz.timezone('Asia/Jerusalem')

print("UTC time     {}".format(utc_dt.isoformat()))
print("Local time   {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone().isoformat()))
print("Pacific time {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(PST).isoformat()))
print("Israeli time {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(IST).isoformat()))

答案 6 :(得分:0)

您可以查看this question


答案 7 :(得分:0)


from datetime import datetime
import pytz



2019-06-20 12:48:56.862291 + 05:30

答案 8 :(得分:0)


from datetime import datetime
import pytz

tz_NY = pytz.timezone('America/New_York') 
datetime_NY = datetime.now(tz_NY)
print("NY time:", datetime_NY.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))

tz_London = pytz.timezone('Europe/London')
datetime_London = datetime.now(tz_London)
print("London time:", datetime_London.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))

tz_India = pytz.timezone('Asia/India')
datetime_India = datetime.now(tz_India)
print("India time:", datetime_India.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))

答案 9 :(得分:0)

我最终在我的代码中大量使用了 pandas,并且如果我不需要的话不喜欢导入额外的库,所以这是我使用的一个简单而干净的解决方案:

import pandas as pd

t = pd.Timestamp.now('UTC') #pull UTC time
t_rounded = t.round('10min') #round to nearest 10 minutes
now_UTC_rounded = f"{t_rounded.hour:0>2d}{t_rounded.minute:0>2d}" #makes HH:MM format

t = pd.Timestamp.now(tz='US/Eastern') #pull Eastern (EDT or EST, as current) time
t_rounded = t.round('10min') #round to nearest 10 minutes
now_EAST_rounded = f"{t_rounded.hour:0>2d}{t_rounded.minute:0>2d}" #makes HH:MM format

print(f"The current UTC time is: {now_UTC_rounded} (rounded to the nearest 10 min)")
print(f"The current US/Eastern time is: {now_EAST_rounded} (rounded to the nearest 10 min)")


The current UTC time is: 1800 (rounded to the nearest 10 min)
The current US/Eastern time is: 1400 (rounded to the nearest 10 min)

(实际东部时间是 14:03) 舍入功能非常好,因为如果您尝试在特定时间触发某事,例如在整点,您可以在任何一方错过 4 分钟,但仍然可以匹配。

只是炫耀功能 - 如果您不想,显然您不需要使用该回合!

答案 10 :(得分:-1)

我需要所有时间的时间信息,所以我在我的服务器上有这个简洁的.py脚本,让我只需选择并取消选择我想按东 - >西的顺序显示的时区。


Australia/Sydney    :   2016-02-09 03:52:29 AEDT+1100
Asia/Singapore      :   2016-02-09 00:52:29 SGT+0800
Asia/Hong_Kong      :   2016-02-09 00:52:29 HKT+0800
EET                 :   2016-02-08 18:52:29 EET+0200
CET                 :   2016-02-08 17:52:29 CET+0100     <- you are HERE
UTC                 :   2016-02-08 16:52:29 UTC+0000
Europe/London       :   2016-02-08 16:52:29 GMT+0000
America/New_York    :   2016-02-08 11:52:29 EST-0500
America/Los_Angeles :   2016-02-08 08:52:29 PST-0800

这里的源代码是我的github上的一个.py文件: https://github.com/SpiRaiL/timezone 或直接文件链接: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpiRaiL/timezone/master/timezone.py

在文件中是这样的列表: 只要把一个&#39; p&#39;在你想要打印的地方。 放一个&#39; h&#39;如果你想特别标记它,你自己的时区。

(' ','America/Adak'),                               (' ','Africa/Abidjan'),                             (' ','Atlantic/Azores'),                            (' ','GB'),
(' ','America/Anchorage'),                          (' ','Africa/Accra'),                               (' ','Atlantic/Bermuda'),                           (' ','GB-Eire'),
(' ','America/Anguilla'),                           (' ','Africa/Addis_Ababa'),                         (' ','Atlantic/Canary'),                            (' ','GMT'),
(' ','America/Antigua'),                            (' ','Africa/Algiers'),                             (' ','Atlantic/Cape_Verde'),                        (' ','GMT+0'),
(' ','America/Araguaina'),                          (' ','Africa/Asmara'),                              (' ','Atlantic/Faeroe'),                            (' ','GMT-0'),
(' ','America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires'),             (' ','Africa/Asmera'),                              (' ','Atlantic/Faroe'),                             (' ','GMT0'),
(' ','America/Argentina/Catamarca'),                (' ','Africa/Bamako'),                              (' ','Atlantic/Jan_Mayen'),                         (' ','Greenwich'),
(' ','America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia'),           (' ','Africa/Bangui'),                              (' ','Atlantic/Madeira'),                           (' ','HST'),
(' ','America/Argentina/Cordoba'),                  (' ','Africa/Banjul'),                              (' ','Atlantic/Reykjavik'),                         (' ','Hongkong'),