
时间:2012-12-20 18:26:03

标签: sql oracle plsql oracle11g


check_staticdate     number(1); 

function DisplayPDF (audit in number) RETURN blob is

person_id     person.person_id%type;
z_lob         blob;
blob_length   NUMBER;

CURSOR getPDF(audit number) IS
   select report
   from report_table
   where report_type = 'PDF'
   and job_no = audit order by rec_no;


/* Check Valid ID */
if not package.ValidID(person_id, check_only=>TRUE) then
   return z_lob;
end if;

/* Here is the case statement.*/
select case
   when exists
       SELECT 'x' from table
       where table_id = person_id
       and trunc(sysdate) < trunc(table_static_date + 60)

    then 1
    else 0
   end into check_staticdate
from dual;

if (check_staticdate = 0) then
   return z_lob;
end if;

open getPDF(audit);
fetch getPDF into z_lob;
close getPDF;
return z_lob;

end DisplayPDF;

我收到的错误是:ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified.

我是Oracle SQL的新手,并且不确定为什么我的ValidID检查通过返回z_lob而工作,但我的case语句没有。


Failed to execute target procedure ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified

ORA-06512: at "SYS.WPG_DOCLOAD", line 51

ORA-06512: at "User.Package", line 733

ORA-06512: at line 33

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)


DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(z_lob,true); --true if you want it to be cached.

答案 1 :(得分:0)


也许您可以将return z_lob;修改为return nvl(z_lob, empty_blob());