Python - 从动态创建的对象的属性调用其他对象的函数

时间:2012-12-20 00:47:23

标签: python

给出一个Windows ini风格的配置文件,例如'airplanes.ini':

wingspan = 211
length = 231
seating = 416
crew = 2
unit_cost = 234000000
on_hand = 3

wingspan = 28
length = 18
armament = twin Vickers
crew = 1
on_hand = 1

length = 289 meters
crew = 430
speed = Warp 8
armament = 12 phasers, 6 photon torpedo

我使用Python 2.7.3库中的ConfigParser模块读取文件内容,然后使用内置type()函数为每个[section]创建一个“Airplane”类型的新对象]在配置文件中。每个name = value对都成为对象的属性:

# create a config parser, using SafeConfigParser for variable substitution
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

# read in the config file'airplanes.ini')

airplanes = []

# loop through each "[section]" of config file
for section in config.sections():
    # create a new object of type Airplane
    plane = type("Airplane",(object,),{"name":section})

    # loop through name = value pairs in section
    for name, value in config.items(section)
        # this is where the magic happens?
        setattr(plane, name, lambda: config.set(section,name,value))


# do stuff with Airplanes,
boeing = airplanes[1]

# this update needs to call through to config.set()
boeing.on_hand = 2

# then save the changes out to the config file on disk
with open('airplanes.ini','wb') as f:

该行评论“这是魔术发生的地方”表示我想通过属性的“setter”设置对ConfigParser的set()方法的调用,以更新配置对象。我相信setattr(plane, name, value)是创建属性的“常用”方式,但不会调用config.set()



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