public var stockDataAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [ {date: "2005,7,27,22,15,30", close: 41.71}, {date: "2005,7,27,22,16,30", close: 42.21}, {date: "2005,7,27,22,17,30", close: 42.11}, {date: "2005,7,27,22,18,30", close: 42.71}, {date: "2005,7,27,23,22,30", close: 42.99}, {date: "2005,7,27,23,24,30", close: 48.99}, {date: "2005,7,27,23,25,30", close: 49} ]); public function myParseFunction(s:String):Date { // Get an array of Strings from the comma-separated String passed in. var a:Array = s.split(","); // Create the new Date object. Subtract one from // the month property because months are zero-based in // the Date constructor. var newDate:Date = new Date(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],0); return newDate; } ......
如何使折线图显示标签/轴如下:27/7/2005 22:15:30?