
时间:2012-12-13 22:11:10

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql


CTE可能看起来很奇怪,但已经过测试,并以我发现的最有效的方式返回正确的结果。以下查询将查找同时服用两种或更多种药物的人员ID(patid)。目前,该查询起作用,因为它返回同时服用两种药物但不同时服用两种药物的人的patID。一种fillDate药物在另一种药物scriptEndDate之前下降,表明服用这两种药物。所以 enter image description here


--PatientDrugList is a CTE because eventually parameters might be passed to it
--to alter the selection population
;with PatientDrugList(patid, filldate, scriptEndDate,drugName,strength)
    select rx.patid,rx.fillDate,rx.scriptEndDate,rx.drugName,rx.strength
        from rx
--the row constructor here will eventually be parameters for a stored procedure
DrugList (drugName)
    select x.drugName
        from (values ('concerta'),('fentanyl'))
        as x(drugName)
        where x.drugName is not null

    --the row number here is so that I can find the largest date range
    --(the largest datediff means the person was on a given drug for a larger
    --amount of time.  obviously not a optimal solution
     --celko inspired relational division!
     select distinct row_number() over(partition by pd.patid, drugname order by datediff(day,pd.fillDate,pd.scriptEndDate)desc)  as rn
    from PatientDrugList as pd
    where not exists
    (select * from DrugList 
    where not exists
    (select * from PatientDrugList as pd2
    and (pd2.drugName = DrugList.drugName)))
    and exists 
    (select * 
        from DrugList
        where DrugList.drugName=pd.drugName
    group by pd.patid, pd.drugName,pd.filldate,pd.scriptEndDate

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



;with tmp as (
   .. your query producing the columns shown ..
select *
  from tmp a
  join tmp b on a.patid = b.patid and a.drugname <> b.drugname
 where a.filldate < b.scriptenddate
   and b.filldate < a.scriptenddate;