为什么Java Vector(和Stack)类被认为已过时或已弃用?

时间:2009-09-06 18:04:09

标签: java vector stack deprecated obsolete

为什么Java Vector被认为是遗留类,已过时或已弃用?




5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:623)




基本上,在大多数情况下,这是一种非常有缺陷的同步方法。正如 Brian Henk先生所指出的,您可以使用Collections.synchronizedList之类的调用来装饰集合 - ConcurrentModificationException将“调整大小的数组”集合实现与“同步每个操作“bit是设计不佳的另一个例子;装饰方法可以更清晰地分离顾虑。

至于Vector等价物 - 我会先看Stack / Deque

答案 1 :(得分:78)

Vector是1.0的一部分 - 原始实现有两个缺点:

<强> 1。命名:向量实际上只是可以作为数组访问的列表,因此它应该被称为ArrayList(这是{1.2}}的Java 1.2集合替代。)

<强> 2。并发:所有Vectorget()方法都是set(),因此您无法对同步进行细粒度控制。




从Java 2平台v1.2开始,这个   班级被改造以实施   列表界面,使其成为   Java Collections Framework。不像   新的集合实现,   矢量是同步的。

答案 2 :(得分:41)

除了已经陈述的关于使用Vector的答案之外,Vector还有一些围绕枚举和元素检索的方法,这些方法与List接口不同,开发人员(特别是那些在1.2之前学习Java的人)可以倾向于使用它们在代码中。尽管枚举速度更快,但它们不会检查集合是否在迭代期间被修改,这可能会导致问题,并且考虑到可能会选择Vector进行同步 - 通过多线程的话务员访问,这使得它成为一个特别有害的问题。使用这些方法还会将大量代码耦合到Vector,因此使用不同的List实现替换它并不容易。

答案 3 :(得分:14)


答案 4 :(得分:6)

#include <iostream> #include <opencv2/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; Mat delaunay(const Mat& points, int imRows, int imCols) /// Return the Delaunay triangulation, under the form of an adjacency matrix /// points is a Nx2 mat containing the coordinates (x, y) of the points { Mat adj(points.rows, points.rows, CV_32S, Scalar(0)); /// Create subdiv and insert the points to it Subdiv2D subdiv(Rect(0,0,imCols,imRows)); for(int p = 0; p < points.rows; p++) { float xp = points.at<float>(p, 0); float yp = points.at<float>(p, 1); Point2f fp(xp, yp); subdiv.insert(fp); } /// Get the number of edges vector<Vec4f> edgeList; subdiv.getEdgeList(edgeList); int nE = edgeList.size(); /// Check adjacency for(int e = 1; e <= nE; e++) { int p = subdiv.edgeOrg(e); // Edge's origin int q = subdiv.edgeDst(e); // Edge's destination if(p < points.rows && q < points.rows) adj.at<int>(p, q) = 1; // else // { // cout<<p<<", "<<q<<endl; // assert(p < points.rows && q < points.rows); // } } return adj; } int main() { Mat points = Mat(100, 2, CV_32F); randu(points, 0, 99); int rows = 100, cols = 100; Mat im(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(0)); Mat adj = delaunay(points, rows, cols); for(int i = 0; i < points.rows; i++) { int xi = points.at<float>(i,0); int yi = points.at<float>(i,1); /// Draw the edges for(int j = i+1; j < points.rows; j++) { if(adj.at<int>(i,j) > 0) { int xj = points.at<float>(j,0); int yj = points.at<float>(j,1); line(im, Point(xi,yi), Point(xj,yj), Scalar(255,0,0), 1); } /// Draw the nodes circle(im, Point(xi, yi), 1, Scalar(0,0,255), -1); } } namedWindow("im", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); imshow("im",im); waitKey(); return 0; } inherits the synchronization overhead of java.util.Stack, which is usually not justified.

It inherits a lot more than that, though. The fact that java.util.Vector is a mistake in object-oriented design. Purists will note that it also offers a lot of methods beyond the operations traditionally associated with a stack (namely: push, pop, peek, size). It's also possible to do java.util.Stack extends java.util.Vector, search, elementAt, setElementAt, and many other random-access operations. It's basically up to the user to refrain from using the non-stack operations of remove.

For these performance and OOP design reasons, the JavaDoc for java.util.Stack recommends ArrayDeque as the natural replacement. (A deque is more than a stack, but at least it's restricted to manipulating the two ends, rather than offering random access to everything.)