
时间:2012-12-13 09:03:48

标签: python performance python-3.x



import time
file = open ('E:/temp/edges_big.txt').readlines()
start_time = time.time()
for line in file[1:]:
    label1, label2, edge = line.strip().split()
    # label1 = int(label1); label2 = int(label2); edge = float(edge)
    # Rest of the loop deleted
print ('processing file took ', time.time() - start_time, "seconds")

以上大约需要 0.84秒。现在,当我取消注释行

label1 = int(label1);label2 = int(label2);edge = float(edge)

运行时升至 3.42秒

输入文件的格式为:每行str1 str2 str3


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


name                                 time ratio comment
read_read                        145 usec  1.00 big.txt
read_readtxt                    2.07 msec 14.29 big.txt
read_readlines                  4.94 msec 34.11 big.txt
read_james_otigo                29.3 msec 201.88 big.txt
read_james_otigo_with_int_float 82.9 msec 571.70 big.txt
read_map_local                  93.1 msec 642.23 big.txt
read_map                        95.6 msec 659.57 big.txt
read_numpy_loadtxt               321 msec 2213.66 big.txt


def read_read(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
        data = file.read()

def read_readtxt(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rU') as file:
        text = file.read()

def read_readlines(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rU') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()

def read_james_otigo(filename):
    file = open (filename).readlines()
    for line in file[1:]:
        label1, label2, edge = line.strip().split()

def read_james_otigo_with_int_float(filename):
    file = open (filename).readlines()
    for line in file[1:]:
        label1, label2, edge = line.strip().split()
        label1 = int(label1); label2 = int(label2); edge = float(edge)

def read_map(filename):
    with open(filename) as file:
        L = [(int(l1), int(l2), float(edge))
             for line in file
             for l1, l2, edge in [line.split()] if line.strip()]

def read_map_local(filename, _i=int, _f=float):
    with open(filename) as file:
        L = [(_i(l1), _i(l2), _f(edge))
             for line in file
             for l1, l2, edge in [line.split()] if line.strip()]

import numpy as np

def read_numpy_loadtxt(filename):
    a = np.loadtxt('big.txt', dtype=[('label1', 'i'),
                                     ('label2', 'i'),
                                     ('edge', 'f')])


#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np

n = 50000
a = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=1<<10, size=2*n).reshape(-1, 2)
np.savetxt('big.txt', np.c_[a, np.random.rand(n)], fmt='%i %i %s')


150 952 0.355243621018
582 98 0.227592557278
478 409 0.546382780254
46 879 0.177980983303

要重现结果,download the code并运行:

# write big.txt
python generate-file.py
# run benchmark
python read-array.py

答案 1 :(得分:3)


read_james_otigo                  40 msec big.txt
read_james_otigo_with_int_float  116 msec big.txt
read_map                         134 msec big.txt
read_map_local                   131 msec big.txt
read_numpy_loadtxt               400 msec big.txt
read_read                        488 usec big.txt
read_readlines                  9.24 msec big.txt
read_readtxt                    4.36 msec big.txt

name                                 time ratio comment
read_read                        488 usec  1.00 big.txt
read_readtxt                    4.36 msec  8.95 big.txt
read_readlines                  9.24 msec 18.95 big.txt
read_james_otigo                  40 msec 82.13 big.txt
read_james_otigo_with_int_float  116 msec 238.64 big.txt
read_map_local                   131 msec 268.05 big.txt
read_map                         134 msec 274.87 big.txt
read_numpy_loadtxt               400 msec 819.42 big.txt

read_james_otigo                39.4 msec big.txt
read_readtxt                    4.37 msec big.txt
read_readlines                  9.21 msec big.txt
read_map_local                   131 msec big.txt
read_james_otigo_with_int_float  116 msec big.txt
read_map                         134 msec big.txt
read_read                        487 usec big.txt
read_numpy_loadtxt               398 msec big.txt

name                                 time ratio comment
read_read                        487 usec  1.00 big.txt
read_readtxt                    4.37 msec  8.96 big.txt
read_readlines                  9.21 msec 18.90 big.txt
read_james_otigo                39.4 msec 80.81 big.txt
read_james_otigo_with_int_float  116 msec 238.51 big.txt
read_map_local                   131 msec 268.84 big.txt
read_map                         134 msec 275.11 big.txt
read_numpy_loadtxt               398 msec 816.71 big.txt

答案 2 :(得分:1)



然后我在该文件上运行了您的脚本。原始脚本在我三岁的PC上以0.05秒结束,带有未注释行的脚本需要0.15秒才能完成。当然,将字符串转换为int / float转换需要更长的时间,但肯定不会达到几秒钟的规模。除非你的目标机器是运行嵌入式Windows CE的烤面包机。