
时间:2012-12-12 00:52:58

标签: sql-server



ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spOuter]
(@SelFromDateUTC smalldatetime  
,@SelToDateUTC smalldatetime  
,@SelDriverId int = null
) AS
DECLARE @SelDriverName varchar(40)
Set Nocount on

exec dbo.spInner --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Select @SelDriverName = DriverName
  From dbo.tblDrivers
 Where DriverID = @SelDriverId

Set Nocount off  

Select @SelToDateUTC as @SelShiftDateUTC
      ,@SelDriverName  as SelDriverName
      , *
  From dbo.vwRptDriverProgress
 Where ActionTimeUTC between @SelFromDateUTC and @SelToDateUTC
   and DriverId = coalesce(@SelDriverId, DriverId)
 Order by DriverName,ActionTimeUTC,DriverLogId

当我从SSMS运行spInner时,它不会返回任何结果集。 但是,当我从spOuter运行时,我会得到两个结果集,一个来自spInner,另一个来自spOuter(注释掉spInner的调用会删除多余的结果集) 。


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInner] AS
set nocount on
Declare @CutoffDate smalldatetime
Set @CutoffDate = DateAdd(Month, -1, getUTCDate()) -- no need to keep reprocessing the whole table.
if @CutoffDate < '11/1/2008'
    Set @CutoffDate = '11/1/2008'

Insert dbo.tblADIShifts  (PU.DriverId, PU.PunchInTimeUTC, PU.PunchInLocationId)
Select DriverId, PunchInTimeUTC, PunchInLocationId 
  From vwUpdDriverLogsAddShifts PU -- Distinct Driver,PunchInTimeUTC combinations.
 Where PU.PunchInTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
   and not exists (Select *
                     from dbo.tblADIShifts SH
                    Where SH.DriverId=PU.DriverId
                      and SH.PunchInTimeUTc = PU.PunchInTimeUtC)
 Order By PU.DriverId, PU.PunchInTimeUTC

Update dbo.tblADIShifts Set
       PunchOutTimeUTC = PU.PunchOutTimeUTC
      ,PunchOutLocationId = PU.PunchOutLocationId
  From vwUpdDriverLogsNewPunchOuts PU
 Where dbo.tblADIShifts.ShiftId = PU.ShiftId and PU.PunchInTimeUTC  > @CutoffDate

Insert dbo.tblDriverLogs (DriverId, ActionId, ActionTimeUTC, ShiftId, LocationId)
Select DriverId, ActionId, PunchInTimeUTC, ShiftId, PunchInLocationId
  From dbo.vwUPDDriverLogsSP

Insert dbo.tblDriverLogs (DriverId, ActionId, ActionTimeUTC, ShiftId, LocationId)
Select DriverId, ActionId, PunchOutTimeUTC, ShiftId, PunchOutLocationId
  From dbo.vwUPDDriverLogsFP

Update dbo.tblDriverLogs Set
       ShiftId = SH.ShiftId
  From dbo.vwUpdDriverLogsAssignShifts SH 
 Where SH.PunchInTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
   and dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriverLogId = SH.DriverLogId

Update dbo.tblDriverLogs Set
       ShiftId = PrevShiftId
  From dbo.vwUpdDriverLogsShiftless3 SH
 Where dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriverLogId = SH.DriverLogId

--<<<<<<<<< The bogus (and empty) result set has the columns
--<<<<<<<<< of tblMovementLocations which is only referenced here:
Update dbo.tblMovementLocations Set
       Distance = CalcDistance
  From vwExcessiveOrderDistances vw
 Where dbo.tblMovementLocations.MovementLocationId = vw.MovementLocationId

Update dbo.tblDriverLogs Set
       DriveTimeMinutes = VW.DriveTimeMinutes
      ,BreakTimeMinutes = VW.BreakTimeMinutes
      ,DelayTimeMinutes = VW.DelayTimeMinutes
      ,LocationId = VW.LocationId
  From dbo.vwUpdDriverLogs VW
 Where dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriverLogId = VW.DriverLogId
   and VW.ActionTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
   and (dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriveTimeMinutes <> VW.DriveTimeMinutes
    or dbo.tblDriverLogs.BreakTimeMinutes <> VW.BreakTimeMinutes
    or dbo.tblDriverLogs.DelayTimeMinutes <> VW.DelayTimeMinutes
    or coalesce(dbo.tblDriverLogs.LocationId,-1) <> VW.LocationId)

当然,这些选择是插入/更新语句的一部分,不应返回结果集? 有没有办法解决这个问题?

SQLServer 2005 SP2版本9.00.4035.00

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

或许更改spInner中更新语句的语法以使用alias(请参阅Good way to use table alias in Update statement?)和JOIN可能会改变行为 - 类似于这个,例如:

UPDATE [locations]
   SET Distance = CalcDistance
  FROM dbo.tblMovementLocations AS [locations]
 INNER JOIN vwExcessiveOrderDistances AS [vw]
         ON [locations].MovementLocationId = [vw].MovementLocationId;

