
时间:2012-12-10 19:30:21

标签: jquery html5 html5-video slideshow

我想在全屏幕上开发基于HTML 5的幻灯片,其中包含图像和视频。当几分钟没有用户活动时,这将是我们的一个售货亭上的某种屏幕保护程序。我们已经在全屏幕上实现了基于图像的幻灯片放映,所以这没有问题,但现在我们想要添加视频自动播放功能,例如,假设这是屏幕保护程序内容的顺序

  • image.jpeg
  • image2.jpeg
  • videoclip.mp4
  • image3.jpeg
  • someothervide.mp4



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

实际上这很容易解决。查找JavaScript注释中的所有解释。将所有内容包裹在$(document).ready(function () {});之类的封闭中,然后您就可以开始了。

<强> HTML

<div id="canvas" class="canvas"></div>

<强> CSS

div.canvas {
    display:           table-cell;
    width:             1280px;
    height:            800px;
    background:        black;
    vertical-align:    middle;

div.canvas > video {
    display:           block;
    margin:            auto;

div.canvas > img {
    display:           block;
    margin:            auto;

JavaScript - 变量

// array containing links to the content
var content = ['movie_1.m4v', 'movie_2.m4v', 'image_1.jpg', 'image_2.jpg'];
// element where anything will be played
var canvas = $('#canvas');
// duration an image is shown in ms (milliseconds)
var durationImage = 1000;
// basic source for image and video tag
var srcImage = '<img src="$" alt="">';
var srcVideo = '<video autoplay><source src="$" type="video/mp4"></source></video>';
// current position
var current = -1;
// regex for getting file extension (from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680929/how-to-extract-extension-from-filename-string-in-javascript)
var regex = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;

JavaScript - 功能

// method to play the next content element
function playNext() {
    // increase current element and set it to 0 if end is reached
    if (content.length == current) {
        current = 0;
    // get file and its extension and check whether it's valid
    var source      = null;
    var file        = content[current];
    var extension   = regex.exec(file)[1];
    if ('jpg' == extension) {
        source      = srcImage;
    if ('m4v' == extension) {
        source      = srcVideo;
    // if source seems valid
    if (null !== source) {
        // replace placeholder with the content and insert content into canvas
        source  = source.replace('$', file);
        // if content is an image play next after set duration
        if ('jpg' == extension) {
            setTimeout(function() { playNext(); }, durationImage);              
        // if content is a video, bind 'onend' event handler to it, to play next
        if ('m4v' == extension) {
            canvas.find('video').bind("ended", function() {

JavaScript - 最后:初始函数调用

// show first (remember current = -1 from above :) )


Demo on jsfiddle.net

关于演示的注释:由于提供的视频格式( video / quicktime ),演示仅在Safari中运行(也可能在IE9中)。

答案 1 :(得分:3)




<section class="slideshow">
         <img src="" class="loader" />
         <div class="pause"></div>



.slideshow {
    width: 700px;
    height: 300px;
    background: #efefef;
    position: relative;
    background: white;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black;
    margin: 20px auto;

.slideshow ul {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    position: relative;
    list-style: none;
    overflow: hidden;
    display: none;

.slideshow ul li {
    position: absolute;
    left: 100%;

.slideshow ul li:first-child {
    left: 0%;

video {
    background: #434343;

.loader {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    top: 50%;
    margin-left: -25px;
    margin-top: -25px;

.pause {
    display: none;
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -25px;
    margin-top: -25px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,.6);
    z-index: 100;
    line-height: 50px;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 1.0em;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: white;
    cursor: pointer;

最后是Javascript / jQuery部分:

// Some variables
var timer;
var sWidth = 400, sHeight = 200, border = 10;
var slideshowSet = false;
var video;
var videoSet = false;
var slidePause = false;
var $el;
var $currentEl = $('.slideshow').find('li').eq(0);

// On document ready
$(function() {
    // Set slideshow dimensions + border
    setSlideDimensions(sWidth, sHeight, border);

    // Show pause button
            if(slideshowSet) {
        function() {
            if(slideshowSet) {

    // Pause button
    $('.pause').click(function() {
         if($(this).text() == '| |') {
            // Pause slideshow
            slidePause = true;
            if($currentEl.find('video').size() == 1){
        } else {
            // Play slideshow
            $(this).text('| |');
            if($currentEl.find('video').size() == 1){
            } else {
                timer = setTimeout(slide, 2000);

// Window ready (all images loaded, but not videos!!)
$(window).ready(function() {
    // Hide loader GIF

    // Show slideshow
    $('.slideshow ul').fadeIn(200);

    // Start slideshow
    timer = setTimeout(slide, 2000);
    slideshowSet = true;

// Function to slide
function slide() {
    videoSet = false;
    var $el = $('.slideshow').find('li');
    $el.eq(1).add($el.eq(0)).animate({'left': '-='+sWidth}, {queue: false, duration: 300, complete: function() {
        $el.eq(0).animate({'left': '100%'}, 0);
        if($(this).index() == 1){
            $('.slideshow ul').append($el.eq(0));
            $currentEl = $el.eq(1);

            // We chek if it's a video
            if($(this).find('video').size() == 1) {
                //If yes we set the variable
                video = $(this).find('video')[0];

                // If video can play
                if (video.canPlayType) {
                     // Play video
                } else {
                     // Error message
                     alert('No html5');
            } else {
                // If not a video we set timeout to next slide
                timer = setTimeout(slide, 2000);

 // Function to set all video events
 function videoSets(){
     if(!videoSet) {
         videoSet = true;
        // Video ended
        video.addEventListener("ended", function () {
            timer = setTimeout(slide, 2000);

        // Video Playing
        video.addEventListener("playing", function () {
            if(slidePause) {
                $('.pause').text('| |');
                slidePause = false;

// Function to set slideshow dimensions
function setSlideDimensions(w, h, b) {
    $('.slideshow').css({width: w, 'height': h, 'padding': b});
    $('.slideshow ul li img, .slideshow ul li video').css({width: w, 'height': h});



如果您有任何其他问题,请随时提出。它可能不是完美的,因为我第一次这样做! ;)