
时间:2012-12-10 06:29:40

标签: c arrays


我不知道如何添加它。我尝试了很多使用if / else语句的方法,但总是遇到11分段问题。请帮忙

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_SIZE 50

// Function declarations
void printInfo();
int readresults(FILE*,int*, int*, int*);
void sort(float avgScore[], int stuID[], int totalStu);
float calcAvg (int score1, int score2);
void getInfo(float avgScore[], int totalStu, float* min, float* max, float* avg);
void writeSortedResults (FILE* AG_Sorted, float avgScore[], int stuID[], int totalStu);
void printdone();

int main (void)
// Local Declarations
    FILE* AG_Midterm;
    FILE* AG_Sorted;

    int score1[MAX_SIZE];
    int score2[MAX_SIZE];
    int stuID[MAX_SIZE];
    int i = 0;
    int totalStu = 0;

    float avgScore[MAX_SIZE];
    float avg;
    float min;
    float max;

// Statements

    AG_Midterm = fopen("/Users/r3spectak/Desktop/AG_Midterm.txt", "r");
    if(AG_Midterm == NULL)
      printf("\aError opening Results File\n");

      return 100;

    } // if open input

    if(!(AG_Sorted = fopen ("/Users/r3spectak/Desktop/AG_Sorted.txt","w")))
      printf("\aError opening Average Results file\n");
      return 102;
    }// if open input
    i = 0;

    while(readresults(AG_Midterm, &stuID[i], &score1[i], &score2[i]))//Kexy
          avgScore[i] = calcAvg(score1[i], score2[i]);

        } //while

    sort(avgScore, stuID, totalStu);//Kexy

    getInfo( avgScore, totalStu, &min, &max, &avg );
    printf( "\nHighest Average Score: %.2f\nLowest Average Score: %.2f\nClass Average Score : %.2f\n", max, min, avg );
    printf("Total Students: %d\n", totalStu);

    writeSortedResults(AG_Sorted, avgScore, stuID, totalStu);

    printf("Total Students: %d\n", totalStu);


    return 0;

} // main

    Reads data from Midterm file
    Pre : Nothing
    Post: Prints introduction message

void printInfo()
// Statements
    printf("Begin Calculation of Scores\n");
    return ;

} // printInfo

    Reads data from AG_Midterm file
    Pre : AG_Midterm is an open file.
          stuid, score1 , score2
    Post: reads score1 and score2
          if data read -- returns 1
          if EOF or error--returns 0

int readresults(FILE* AG_Midterm, int * stuID, int *score1, int *score2)
// Local Variables
    int i;
    int items;
    int ioCheck;

// Statements
    ioCheck = fscanf(AG_Midterm, "%d%d%d",stuID, score1, score2);

    if(ioCheck == EOF)

        return 0;

    else if(ioCheck != 3)

        printf("Error reading file...\n");
        return 0;


        return 1;

} //readresults

    Sorts by selecting the largest Average score in unsorted
    portion of array and exchanging it with element at the
    beginning of the unsorted list.=
    Pre : list must contain atleast one item
    Post: list rearranged largest to smallest


void sort(float avgScore[], int stuID[], int totalStu)
// Local Declarations
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int largest;
    int tempID;

    float temp;

    for(i = 0; i < totalStu; i++)
        largest = i;
        for(j = i + 1; j < totalStu; j++)
            if(avgScore[j] > avgScore[largest])
                largest = j;


        temp = avgScore[i];
        tempID = stuID[i];

        avgScore[i] = avgScore[largest];
        stuID[i] = stuID[largest];

        avgScore[largest] = temp;
        stuID[largest] = tempID;
} // sort

    Determines the Average of the two midterm scores
    Pre : score1, score2
    Post: avgScore copied to addresses

float calcAvg (int score1, int score2)

    return (score1 + score2)/2.0;
} // calcAvg

    Determines the Class Average,Lowest Average
    and Highest Average scores
    Pre : avgScore , totalStu
    Post: avg , min , max

void getInfo(float avgScore[], int totalStu, float* min, float* max, float* avg)
   int i;
   float sum = *min = *max = avgScore[0];

   for( i = 1; i <totalStu; ++i )
        sum += avgScore[i]; /* sum = sum + dAry[i] */
        if( avgScore[i] < *min ) *min = avgScore[i]; /* update ... if applies */
        if( avgScore[i] > *max ) *max = avgScore[i];
        *avg = sum/totalStu;

    Writes Average Scores after Sorting
    Pre : AG_Sorted is an open file
    Post: Data written to file
void writeSortedResults (FILE* AG_Sorted, float avgScore[], int stuID[], int totalStu)
// Local Definitions
    int i;
    int line = 0;

// Statements
    for(i = 0; i < totalStu; i++)
        fprintf(AG_Sorted, "%d %.2f     ", stuID[i], avgScore[i]);

        if(line == 8)
            fprintf(AG_Sorted, "\n");
            line = 0;


    printf("\nSuccessfully write the sorted data to the new file\n");

} // writeSortedResults

    Reads data from Midterm Score File
    Pre : Nothing
    Post: Prints end message
void printdone()
// Statements
    printf("End of Finalizing Scores.Thank you.\n");

} // printDone

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果我明白你的意图,那么你不仅仅想要避免像每个人似乎都在修复的超支一样;你试图在输入文件 溢出时彻底中止,但实际上没有溢出,从而使你的进程出错。检查feof()对你没有任何好处,因为你可能有一个换行符,一些空格,几乎任何在的常规记录条目中保持feof()真。


int id, s1, s2;
while(readresults(AG_Midterm, &id, &s1, &s2))//Kexy
    // we *know* we have a valid record. make sure it fits
    //  before dropping it in, otherwise proclaim the file too
    // large and abort the whole thing.
    if (i == MAX_SIZE)
        printf("Too many scores. Aborting.\n");

    stuID[i] = id;
    score1[i] = s1;
    score2[i] = s2;

    avgScore[i] = calcAvg(score1[i], score2[i]);

} //while

答案 1 :(得分:1)


if ( sizeof ( array ) + newAmount ) > MAX_SIZE ) {
   // Error.

答案 2 :(得分:1)


 while(i < MAX_SIZE && readresults(AG_Midterm, &stuID[i], &score1[i], &score2[i]))

然后你必须检查循环结束的原因。如果满足第一个条件,则i == MAX_SIZE,以便您可以在while之后检查它,例如

if (i == MAX_SIZE) 
   // abort with error


答案 3 :(得分:1)


while(readresults(AG_Midterm, &stuID[i], &score1[i], &score2[i]))//Kexy



while(i < MAX_SIZE && ...)