
时间:2012-12-08 16:00:28

标签: python arguments callable getattr


# The following part is just to demonstrate the behavior AND CANNOT BE CHANGED UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES
# Just define something so you can access something like derived.obj.foo(x)
class Basic(object):
    def foo(self, x=10):
        return x*x

class Derived(object):
    def info(self, x):
        return "Info of Derived: "+str(x) 
    def set(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

# The following piece of code might be changed, but I would rather not
class DeviceProxy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # just to set up something that somewhat behaves as the real code in question
        self.proxy = Derived()

    # crucial part: I want any attributes forwarded to the proxy object here, without knowing beforehand what the names will be
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.proxy, attr)

# ======================================
# This code is the only I want to change to get things work

# Original __getattr__ function
original = DeviceProxy.__getattr__

# wrapper for the __getattr__ function to log/print out any attribute/parameter/argument/...
def mygetattr(device, key):
    attr = original(device, key) 
    if callable(attr):
        def wrapper(*args, **kw):
            print('%r called with %r and %r' % (attr, args, kw))
            return attr(*args, **kw)
        return wrapper
        print "not callable: ", attr
        return attr

DeviceProxy.__getattr__ = mygetattr

# make an instance of the DeviceProxy class and call the double-dotted function
dev = DeviceProxy()
print dev.info(1)
print dev.obj.foo(3) 

我想要的是捕获对DeviceProxy的所有方法调用,以便能够打印所有参数/参数等等。在给定的示例中,这在调用info(1)时非常有效,所有信息都会打印出来。 但是当我调用双点函数dev.obj.foo(3)时,我只得到这个不可调用的消息。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

__getattr__上只有dev,您希望在__getattr__foo访问dev.obj.foo dev.obj。这是不可能的。属性访问不是作为整体访问的“虚线函数”。从左到右一次评估属性访问的顺序(点)。在您访问foo时,无法知道您稍后会访问dev.__getattr__。方法dev仅知道您在obj 上访问的属性,而不知道您稍后可以访问的结果的哪些属性。
