
时间:2012-12-04 14:38:46

标签: python performance calculator

import string

# Strength of operations:
#   -> [] (brackets)
# 6 -> ~ (negative)
# 5 -> @, $, & (average, maximum, minimum)
# 4 -> %, ! (modulo, factorial)
# 3 -> ^ (power)
# 2 -> *, / (multiplication, division)
# 1 -> +, - (addition, subtraction)

def BinaryOperation(exp, idx):
    """ Gets an expression and an index of an operator and returns a tuple with (first_value, operator, second_value). """
    first_value = 0
    second_value = 0

    #Get first value
    idx2 = idx -1
    if idx2 == 0:
        first_value = exp[idx2:idx]

        while (idx2 > 0) and (exp[idx2] in string.digits):
            idx2 -=1

        if (exp[idx2] in ("-")) or (exp[idx2] in string.digits):#-5*3
            first_value = exp[idx2:idx]
            first_value = exp[idx2+1:idx]

    #Get second value
    idx2 = idx +1
    if exp[idx+1] not in string.digits: #If there is something like 1*+5, second_sign will be +.
        idx2 += 1 #idx2 will begin from the char after the sign.

    while (idx2 < len(exp)) and (exp[idx2] in string.digits):
        idx2 += 1

    second_value = exp[idx+1:idx2]

    return (first_value, exp[idx], second_value)

def UnaryOperation(exp, idx):
    """ Gets an expression and an index of an operator and returns a tuple with (operator, value). """
    #Get value
    idx2 = idx+1
    if exp[idx+1] not in string.digits: #If there is something like ~-5, second_sign will be -.
        idx2 += 1 #idx2 will begin from the char after the sign.
    while (idx2 < len(exp)) and (exp[idx2] in string.digits):
        idx2 +=1

    return (exp[idx], exp[idx+1:idx2])

def Brackets(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if exp[idx] == "[":
            close_bracket = exp.find("]")
            if close_bracket == -1:
                raise Exception("Missing closing bracket.")

            exp_brackets = exp[idx+1:close_bracket]

            value = str(solve(exp_brackets))

            exp = exp.replace("[" + exp_brackets + "]", value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1

    return Level6(exp)

def Level6(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if exp[idx] in ("~"):
            sub_exp = UnaryOperation(exp, idx)
            value = ~int(sub_exp[1])

            value = str(value)

            exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1
    return Level5(exp)

def Level5(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if exp[idx] in ("@", "$", "&"):
            #Average, Maximum and Minimum
            sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
            first_value = int(sub_exp[0])
            second_value = int(sub_exp[2])
            if sub_exp[1] == "@":
                value = (first_value + second_value)/2
            if sub_exp[1] == "$":
                value = first_value if first_value > second_value else second_value
            if sub_exp[1] == "&":
                value = first_value if first_value < second_value else second_value

            value = str(value)

            exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1

    return Level4(exp)

def Level4(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if exp[idx] in ("%","!"):
            #Modulo and Factorial
            if exp[idx] == "%":
                sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
                value = int(sub_exp[0]) % int(sub_exp[2])
            if exp[idx] == "!":
                sub_exp = UnaryOperation(exp, idx)
                value = reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, range(1, int(sub_exp[1])+1))

            value = str(value)

            exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1

    return Level3(exp)

def Level3(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if exp[idx] in ("^"):
            sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
            value = int(sub_exp[0]) ** int(sub_exp[2])

            value = str(value)

            exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1

    return Level2(exp)

def Level2(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if exp[idx] in ("*", "/"):
            #Multiplication and Division
            sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
            if sub_exp[1] == "*":
                value = int(sub_exp[0]) * int(sub_exp[2])
            if sub_exp[1] == "/":
                value = int(sub_exp[0]) / int(sub_exp[2])

            value = str(value)

            exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1

    return Level1(exp)

def Level1(exp):
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(exp):
        if (exp[idx] in ("+", "-")) and (idx != 0):
            #Addition and Subtraction
            sub_exp = BinaryOperation(exp, idx)
            if sub_exp[1] == "+":
                value = int(sub_exp[0]) + int(sub_exp[2])
            if sub_exp[1] == "-":
                value = int(sub_exp[0]) - int(sub_exp[2])

            value = str(value)

            exp = exp.replace(''.join(sub_exp), value)
            idx = 0 #The len has been changed, scan again.

        idx += 1

    return exp

def solve(exp):
    exp = Brackets(exp)
    return float(exp) if "." in exp else int(exp)

def remove_whitespace(exp):
    """ Gets a string and removes all whitespaces and tabs """
    exp = exp.replace(" ", "")
    exp = exp.replace("\t", "")
    return exp

while True:
    exp = raw_input("")
    exp = remove_whitespace(exp)
    print solve(exp)



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


>>> eval(raw_input("input calculation: "))
input calculation: 1+1
>>> eval(raw_input("input calculation: "))
input calculation: (6*4^2)
>>> eval(raw_input("input calculation: "))
input calculation: (3/2.3)*4





Python creating a calculator

Basic calculator program in python

python calculator program

答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

again = True
answer = ""
while again is True:
        expression = raw_input("Enter your expression: ")
        found = False
        oper = -1
        operator1 = 0
        operator2 = 0
        while found==False:
            if (expression.find("+")>0 and expression.find("+")<len(expression)-1):
                found = True
                oper = expression.find("+")
                operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
                operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
                print "{} + {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1+operator2)
            elif(expression.find("-")>0 and expression.find("-")<len(expression)-1):
                found = True
                oper = expression.find("-")
                operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
                operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
                print "{} - {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1-operator2)
            elif(expression.find("*")>0 and expression.find("*")<len(expression)-1):
                found = True
                oper = expression.find("*")
                operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
                operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
                print "{} * {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1*operator2)
            elif(expression.find("/")>0 and expression.find("/")<len(expression)-1):
                found = True
                oper = expression.find("/")
                operator1 = float(expression[:oper])
                operator2 = float(expression[oper+1:])
                print "{} / {} = {}".format(operator1,operator2,operator1/operator2)
                oper = -1
                found = False
                print "Incorrect expression, please try again"
            again = False
            answer = raw_input("Try again?: ")
            if(answer == "y" or answer=="yes" or answer =="Y" or answer == "YES"):
                again = True
                again = False
                print "Thank you for playing! See you next time."

        print "Failed, check your expression and try again"