有没有办法在PowerShell中禁用和重新启用已知的TCP / IP端口?
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我会盲目地假设你在谈论禁用和放弃启用IIS托管的TCP / IP套接字。 (不是说,寻找阻止/取消阻止防火墙级别的东西的方法,或完全不同的东西。)在这种情况下,我碰巧有必要的脚本......
# Get the IIsWebServer and IIsWebServerSetting WMI objects matching a display name, and combine them into one object
function Get-IIsWeb
param (
[string] $displayName = "",
[string] $computer = "localhost"
if ($displayName -eq "")
{ $filter = "" }
{ $filter = "ServerComment='$displayName'"}
Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\MicrosoftIISv2" -class "IIsWebServerSetting" -filter $filter -computer $computer -authentication 6 | % {
$temp = $_
Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\MicrosoftIISv2" -class "IIsWebServer" -filter "Name='$($_.Name)'" -computer $computer -authentication 6 |
add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name Settings -value $temp -passthru
# Stop all websites on a given computer that are bound to the specified port, unless they are scoped to a
# host header or IP address
function Stop-WebsiteOnPort
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, valuefrompipeline=$true)]
[int] $port,
[string] $computer = "localhost",
[string] $hostName = $null,
[string] $ip = $null
begin { $websites = Get-IIsWeb -computer $computer }
# I don't think you can do this filter in WQL
$websites |
? {
( $_.settings.serverbindings | ? {$_.port -eq $port -and $_.Hostname -eq $hostName -and $_.IP -eq $ip} | measure).count -gt 0
} |
% {