
时间:2012-12-01 15:55:59

标签: c sift vlfeat



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints的第7.1和7.2节对此进行了解释。


仅当d1和d2之间的距离远小于到d1的距离和图像2中的任何其他特征时,才使用图像1中的特征d1与图像2中的特征d2的匹配。匹配需要明显更好比任何其他潜在的比赛。 “重要”由传递给VL_UBCMATCH函数的阈值定义。


for(k1 = 0 ; k1 < K1 ; ++k1, L1_pt += ND ) {                        \
  PROMOTE_##MXC best = maxval ;                                     \
  PROMOTE_##MXC second_best = maxval ;                              \
  int bestk = -1 ;                                                  \
  /* For each point P2[k2] in the second image... */                \
  for(k2 =  0 ; k2 < K2 ; ++k2, L2_pt += ND) {                      \
    int bin ;                                                       \
    PROMOTE_##MXC acc = 0 ;                                         \
    for(bin = 0 ; bin < ND ; ++bin) {                               \
      PROMOTE_##MXC delta =                                         \
        ((PROMOTE_##MXC) L1_pt[bin]) -                              \
        ((PROMOTE_##MXC) L2_pt[bin]) ;                              \
      acc += delta*delta ;                                          \
    }                                                               \
    /* Filter the best and second best matching point. */           \
    if(acc < best) {                                                \
      second_best = best ;                                          \
      best = acc ;                                                  \
      bestk = k2 ;                                                  \
    } else if(acc < second_best) {                                  \
      second_best = acc ;                                           \
    }                                                               \
  }                                                                 \
  L2_pt -= ND*K2 ;                                                  \
  /* Lowe's method: accept the match only if unique. */             \
  if(thresh * (float) best < (float) second_best &&                 \
     bestk != -1) {                                                 \
    pairs_iterator->k1 = k1 ;                                       \
    pairs_iterator->k2 = bestk ;                                    \
    pairs_iterator->score = best ;                                  \
    pairs_iterator++ ;                                              \
  }                                                                 \


matches = []
For each descriptor k1 in image 1:
    closest_match_distance = Infinity
    second_closest_match_distance = Infinity
    best_match = None
    For each descriptor k2 in image 2:
        distance_squared = d(k1, k2)
        if (distance_squared < closest_match_distance):
            second_closest_match_distance = closest_match_distance
            closest_match_distance = distance_squared
            best_match = k2
    If (threshold * closest_match_distance <
      second_closest_match_distance AND best_match != None):
        matches.Insert((k1, best_match, closest_match_distance))
return matches