
时间:2012-12-01 06:23:09

标签: assembly recursion masm

我用汇编语言(MASM)编写了一个程序,让学生练习计算组合。程序递归计算阶乘。我使用一个名为组合的过程接收n和r,然后得到(n = r)!,n!和r!通过调用名为factorial的过程。因子是递归的。

n       DWORD   ?
r       DWORD   ?
result  DWORD   ?
answer            DWORD ?
divisor DWORD   ?



push OFFSET divisor     ;ebp+20
push n              ;ebp+16
push r              ;ebp+12
push OFFSET result      ;ebp+8
call    combinations

; combinations calls factorial (3 times) to calculate n!, r!, and (n-r)!.
; combinations calculates n!/(r!(n-r)!) , and stores the value in result.
; receives:  accepts n and r by value and result by address.
; returns: none
; preconditions: none
; registers changed:  eax, ebx, edx
combinations    PROC
push        ebp
mov     ebp,esp

mov     eax, [ebp+16]   ;find (n-r)!
sub     eax, [ebp+12]
mov     ebx, eax
push        ebx
call        factorial
pop     ebx
mov     edx,[ebp+20]    ;move (n-r)! into result
mov     [edx],eax

mov     ebx, [ebp+12]        ;find r!
push        ebx
call        factorial
pop     ebx

mov     edx,[ebp+20]
mov     ebx, [edx]
mul     ebx         ;r!*(n-r)!, store product in eax
mov     ebx, [ebp+20]
mov     [ebx], eax          ;store product in divisor variable

mov     ebx, [ebp+16]   ;find n!
push        ebx
call        factorial
pop     ebx
mov     edx,[ebp+20]            
mov     ebx,[edx]           ;move value of divisor into ebx

mov     edx, 0
div     ebx         ;divide n! by divisor (r!*(n-r)!)
mov     ebx, [ebp+8]
mov     [ebx],eax                 ;move quotient into result

pop     ebp
ret     16
combinations    ENDP

; calculates factorial recursively
; receives: 
; returns: factorial solution in eax
; preconditions: none
; registers changed: eax
factorial   PROC
mov eax,dword ptr [esp+4]
cmp eax,1
jle endRecursive
dec eax
push eax
call factorial
mov esi,dword ptr [esp+4]
mul esi
    ret 4
factorial   ENDP

一切按预期进行,我得到了所需的值。但是,当完成所有计算并且程序在组合过程结束时到达语句“ret 16”时,我得到以下异常:



更新:只需在调试器中跟踪ebp和esp:看起来当程序出现在最后一个因子调用时,esp是ebp的+12,所以每次调用时都会增加+4阶乘。结果,当程序点击pop ebp时,ebp指向r而不是它应该的位置。有关如何解决此问题的任何建议吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您需要删除在对pop ebx的三个顶级调用之后显示的三条factorial说明。由于factorial已经将其参数从堆栈中弹出(通过使用ret 4),因此尝试通过执行pop ebx再次删除参数会使堆栈指针混乱。