WP7 BackgroundAudioPlayer错误代码

时间:2012-11-30 03:22:09

标签: windows-phone-7 background-audio

在Windows Phone 7应用程序中使用BackgroundAudioPlayer时。它有时会导致错误,OnError会处理错误。问题是它只显示错误代码,我们无法知道它。阅读Paul Annets's article时。我发现了一些错误代码的含义。

Exception.Message   Hex equivalent  Meaning
“-2147012889”       80072EE7        Can’t find the server (e.g. phone is in flight mode)
“-2147012696”       80072FA8        No available network connection
"-1072889830”       C00D001A        Can’t find media file (e.g. the MP3 file you were pointing to is no longer on the server)
“-2147467259”       80004005        Non-specific error code


P / S:如果您有其他错误代码的含义,那么在这里分享会很棒

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