使用weceem grails-plugin时,springSecurityService.currentUser上的空指针

时间:2012-11-29 01:03:10

标签: grails weceem

我在我的项目中使用Grails 2.1.1,现在我正在使用springSecurityService.currentUser来获取用户凭据等。

在过去的两天里,我的项目需要一些CMS扩展,我偶然发现了Weceem插件。 在这里和那里设置东西,最后我的Weceem插件项目现在正在运行,但每次调用springSecurityService.currentUser方法时都会得到Null Pointer Exception。

没有weceem grails-plugin一切运行正常,所以我假设有一些我需要做的设置。问题是在哪里和什么?


class User {

transient springSecurityService

String username
String password
boolean enabled = true
boolean accountExpired = false
boolean accountLocked = false
boolean passwordExpired = false
Person person

static hasOne = [Person]
static hasMany = [roles: Role]

static constraints = {
    username blank: false, unique: true
    password blank: false

static mapping = {
    password column: '`password`'

Set<Role> getAuthorities() {
    roles as Set

def beforeInsert() {

def beforeUpdate() {
    if (isDirty('password')) {

protected void encodePassword() {
    password = springSecurityService.encodePassword(password)


//show the list of all person
def list = {
    //get all the sorting params
    params.sort = params.sort ?: 'firstName'
    params.order = params.order ?: 'asc'
    params.max = params.max ?: 10
    params.offset = params.offset ?: 0

    def test = springSecurityService.getCurrentUser()

    def personList = Person.createCriteria().list (max: params.max, offset: params.offset) {
        if (springSecurityService.currentUser.person.affiliate.value != 'Admin'){
            eq("affiliate", springSecurityService.currentUser.person.affiliate)
            eq("deleted", false)
        order(params.sort, params.order)
    render view:'list', model:[persons: personList, personTotal: personList.totalCount]

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