
时间:2012-11-28 18:16:08

标签: c++ class

我正在做作业,要求我检查学生是否超过18岁。 我的功能是:

bool Student::isOverEighteen() {
  int date[3]; // D/M/Y
  char *pdata;

  pdata = strtok(Anagrafica::birth, "/"); // Anagrafica is the base class

  for (short i = 0; pdata != NULL; i++) {
    data[i] = pdata;
    pdata = strtok(NULL, "/");

  time_t t    = time(NULL);
  tm *locale  = localtime(&t);

  if (data[0] < locale->tm_mday &&
     (data[1] < locale->tm_mon + 1  || data[1] == locale->tm_mon + 1) &&
     (locale->tm_year + 1900 - data[3] > 18))
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

然而,当我显示出生日期时,它会显示日期和学生的课堂。例如:25/06 / 19944A(4A是教室的名称)


Student::Student() {
  std::cout << "Name: ";
  std::cin.getline(Anagrafica::name, 101);
  std::cout << "Surname: ";
  std::cin.getline(Anagrafica::surname, 101);
  std::cout << "Birth (XX/XX/XXXX): ";
  std::cin.getline(Anagrafica::birth, 11);
  std::cout << "Classroom: ";
  std::cin.getline(Anagrafica::classroom, 101);


void Anagrafica::Show() {
  std::cout << "\nName:" << this->name;
  std::cout << "\nSurname:" << this->surname;
  std::cout << "\nBirth:" << this->birth;
  std::cout << "\nClassroom: " << this->classroom;
  std::cout << std::endl;


char name[100];
char surname[100];
char birth[10];
char classroom[100];


编辑(对于Nik Bougalis):

这是我现在使用的那个。 字符串的问题开始是因为我使用的是c_str;而不是c_str();

bool Entry::IsOverEighteen() {
  int date[3];

  date[0] = std::atoi(this->birth.substr(0, 2).c_str());  // Day
  date[1] = std::atoi(this->birth.substr(4, 2).c_str());  // Month
  date[2] = std::atoi(this->birth.substr(6, 4).c_str());  // Year

  time_t t  = time(NULL);
  tm *local = localtime(&t);

  // Perche' sia maggiorenne occorre che:
  //  Il giorno attuale sia maggiore di quello di nascita
  //  Il mese attuale sia maggiore o uguale a quello di nascita
  //  L' anno attuale - l' anno di nascita sia maggiore o uguale 18
  if (local->tm_mday > date[0] && 
     (local->tm_mon + 1 > date[1] || local->tm_mon + 1 == date[1]) && 
     (local->tm_year + 1900 - date[2] > 18 || local->tm_year + 1900 - date[2] == 18))
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

问题是你的char birth[10]与字符串 25/06/1994 (即10个字节)完全一样长,没有为NULL终止符留空间,所以当打印出来时birth字符串,cout开始阅读,继续超过birth的结尾并进入classroom

另请注意,您始终使用比实际缓冲区一个 LARGER 的缓冲区大小调用cin.getline。你本质上是在告诉getline:“这是一个10字节的缓冲区...读入11个字节!”那是你真正的意思吗?




bool isOverEighteen(const string &s) 
{ // s is in the form DD/MM/YYYY - if it's not, things blow up.  
  int birthday[3], bidx = 0; 

  birthday[0] = 0;
  birthday[1] = 0;
  birthday[2] = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i != s.length(); i++)
    if(s[i] == '/')

    birthday[bidx] = (birthday[bidx] * 10) + (s[i] - '0');

  // now birthday[0] is the day of birth as an integer, 
  // birthday[1] is the month of birth as an integer and
  // birthday[2] is the year of birth as an integer. You 
  // can use them.


有更优雅的方法可以做到这一点,它不是非常“C ++”,但它有效,这是一种改进。