我正在构建一个使用Facebook javascript身份验证和登录的单页网站。我不希望任何页面重新加载,并希望用户随时登录Facebook。登录到Facebook将更改我的本地视图(使用backbone.js),但不应刷新页面。虽然页面没有刷新,但我希望服务器端(抛出REST api)“知道”用户的uid
之前我使用过服务器端身份验证,但希望只使用客户端身份验证。 (出于各种原因)
这就是我看到流程的方式:(使用restful API)
1. User enter site
2. FB JS SDK login/authenticate user
a. FB SDK has obtained access_token (valid for an hour)
b. signed request is saved in cookie data (fbsr_<app id>)
3. Browser issue any REST API call to Server
a. server looks into cookie to identify uid
Parse the signed_request
Validates sigend_request with application secret
identify uid from parsed signed_request
b. if needed to store long live access token
Server exchange code for tokenA
Server exchange tokenA for longed lived access token (valid for 2 month - fb_exchange_token)