'------------ Connect to MySQL --------------------------
sConnection = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=" & sServer & "; DATABASE=" & sDBName &"; UID=" & sDBUser & ";PASSWORD=" & sDBPass & "; PORT=3306;"
Set oConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'------------ Connect to MySQL --------------------------
'Checks if the cookie exists
sCookieValue = Request.Cookies(sCookieName)
bCookieFound = CBool(Len(sCookieValue) > 0)
if bCookieFound then
oRS = oConnection.Execute("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE id=" & sCookieValue )
Dim bSDFound
Dim sDate
bSDFound = false
Do while NOT oRS.EOF
bSDFound = true
sDate = oRS("date")
oRS.MoveNext ' Next record
' Check if found in the DB
if bSDFound then
'Convert from universal Date format
Dim dateDB
dateDB = CDate(Mid(sDate, 1, 10) & " " & Mid(sDate, 12, 8))
'Check if is longer than 1 hour old
if DateDiff("n", dateDB, Now) > 60 then
Response.Redirect urlLogin
'If it is not older than an hour, update it to the current timestamp and redirect
oConnection.Execute("UPDATE sessions set date=Now() WHERE id=" & sCookieValue )
Response.Redirect urlWelcome
end if
Response.Redirect urlLogin
end if
Response.Redirect urlLogin
end if
我很确定这个问题出现在“while NOT循环”的某个地方,但我对ASP的了解并不充分。
我知道: - 正在使用的MySQL信息是正确的, - 删除while循环时代码有效。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
oRS = oConnection.Execute(应设置oRS = oConnection.Execute( - Gaby aka G. Petrioli