
时间:2012-11-22 15:03:50

标签: c# winapi log4net

我已设置log4net为我的应用程序使用单独的事件日志。 事件日志存在且可见(记录到该日志甚至用于工作!)

名称为"sbsysrst" isUattrue

预期LogName为 SB3-UAT 但是它仍然坚持登录 Applicaiton 日志,尽管下面有log4net调试消息。


public static ILog GetLogger(string name, bool isUat = false)
    var eventLogAppender = new EventLogAppender
        ApplicationName = name,
        Layout = new PatternLayout
            ConversionPattern = "%message%newline%exception" 
        LogName = "SB3" + (isUat ? "-" + UatSuffix : string.Empty),
        Threshold = Level.Info

    BasicConfigurator.Configure(eventLogAppender, FileAppenders[isUat]);
    return LogManager.GetLogger(name);


log4net: Searched for existing files in [C:\Windows\...]
log4net: curSizeRollBackups starts at [0]
log4net: Opening file for writing [C:\Windows\...\SB3.log] append [True]
log4net: Searched for existing files in [C:\Windows\...]
log4net: curSizeRollBackups starts at [0]
log4net: Opening file for writing [C:\Windows\...\SB3.log] append [True]
log4net: Searched for existing files in [C:\Windows\...UAT]
log4net: curSizeRollBackups starts at [0]
log4net: Opening file for writing [C:\Windows\...UAT\SB3.log] append [True]
log4net: Searched for existing files in [C:\Windows\...UAT]
log4net: curSizeRollBackups starts at [0]
log4net: Opening file for writing [C:\Windows\...UAT\SB3.log] append [True]
log4net: Converter [message] Option [] Format [min=-1,max=2147483647,leftAlign=False]
log4net: Converter [newline] Option [] Format [min=-1,max=2147483647,leftAlign=False]
log4net: Converter [message] Option [] Format [min=-1,max=2147483647,leftAlign=False]
log4net: Converter [newline] Option [] Format [min=-1,max=2147483647,leftAlign=False]
log4net: log4net assembly [log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a]. Loaded from [...]. (.NET Runtime [2.0.50727.5448] on Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
log4net: defaultRepositoryType [log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy]
log4net: Creating repository for assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]
log4net: Assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null] Loaded From [...]
log4net: Assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null] does not have a RepositoryAttribute specified.
log4net: Assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null] using repository [log4net-default-repository] and repository type [log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy]
log4net: log4net assembly [log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a]. Loaded from [...]. (.NET Runtime [2.0.50727.5448] on Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
log4net: defaultRepositoryType [log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy]
log4net: Creating repository for assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]
log4net: Assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null] Loaded From [...]
log4net: Assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null] does not have a RepositoryAttribute specified.
log4net: Assembly [..., Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null] using repository [log4net-default-repository] and repository type [log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy]
log4nlog4net: Creating repository [log4net-default-repository] using type [log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy]
et: Creating repository [log4net-default-repository] using type [log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy]
log4net: Changing event source [sbsysrst] from log [SB3] to log [SB3-UAT]
log4net: Source [sbsysrst] is registered to log [SB3-UAT]
log4net: Changing event source [sbsysrst] from log [SB3] to log [SB3-UAT]
log4net: Source [sbsysrst] is registered to log [SB3-UAT]



// Inside ActivateOptions()
using (SecurityContext.Impersonate(this))
    sourceAlreadyExists = EventLog.SourceExists(m_applicationName);
    if (sourceAlreadyExists)
        currentLogName = EventLog.LogNameFromSourceName(m_applicationName, m_machineName);

using (SecurityContext.Impersonate(this))
    if (sourceAlreadyExists && currentLogName != m_logName)
        // Re-register this to the current application if the user has changed
        // the application / logfile association
        EventLog.DeleteEventSource(m_applicationName, m_machineName);
        CreateEventSource(m_applicationName, m_logName, m_machineName);

        registeredLogName = EventLog.LogNameFromSourceName(m_applicationName, m_machineName);
    else if (!sourceAlreadyExists)
        CreateEventSource(m_applicationName, m_logName, m_machineName);

        registeredLogName = EventLog.LogNameFromSourceName(m_applicationName, m_machineName);

// Inside Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
    EventLog.WriteEntry(m_applicationName, eventTxt, entryType, eventID, category);

关键部分EventLog.LogNameFromSourceName(m_applicationName, m_machineName);会按预期返回 SB3-UAT





所以这不是log4net问题,甚至也不是dotnet问题。 下面是直接使用Windows API的代码,但仍然失败。 源名称曾在应用程序日志中注册的事实正在绊倒。

我正在查看相应的WinAPI,看看我是否能解决这个困惑。 当然要查看注册表项, 应该是一个问题。

const string SourceName = "sbsysrst";
const string TextMessage = "Test";
const string MachineName = ".";

// This code is essentially the watered down version behind `EventLog`
// in dotnet.  There are two main WinAPI calls and just boiler code around
// passing parameters to them as expected.

var message = new[] { TextMessage };
SafeHandle eventLogHandle = null;
var numArray = new IntPtr[message.Length];
var gcHandleArray = new GCHandle[mesage.Length];
GCHandle gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(numArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
    eventLogHandle = SafeEventLogWriteHandle
        .RegisterEventSource(MachineName, SourceName);
    for (int index = 0; index < message.Length; index++)
        gcHandleArray[index] = GCHandle
            .Alloc(message[index], GCHandleType.Pinned);
        numArray[index] = gcHandleArray[index]

    if (!ReportEvent(
        0x0004,           // Information type
        0,                // Category
        0,                // EventID
        null,             // user id
        message.Length,   // size of text array
        0,                // size of raw data array
        new HandleRef(this, gcHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()),
        new byte[0]))     // raw data (none)
        throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

    for (int index = 0; index < message.Length; ++index)
        if (gcHandleArray[index].IsAllocated)

    if (eventLogHandle != null)

// RegisterEventSource cannot return an abstract object.
internal sealed class SafeEventLogWriteHandle :
    internal SafeEventLogWriteHandle() : base(true)

    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
    internal static extern SafeEventLogWriteHandle RegisterEventSource(
        string uncServerName, string sourceName);

    [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool DeregisterEventSource(IntPtr hEventLog);

    protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
        return DeregisterEventSource(this.handle);

1 个答案:

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