type: "GET",
url: uri,
success: function(output, status, xhr) {
var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
if(contentType === "image/jpeg" || contentType === "image/tiff"){
// IMG: get parent div 'container'
var $container = $('#container', top.frames["content"].document);
var img = new Image();
// initially hide
$(this).attr('id', 'imgId');
// parent div:
// remove previous image
// add this image
// fade in image effect
// set the src attribute of the new image to our image
.attr('src', uri);
}else if(contentType === "application/pdf"){
// PDF: get parent div 'main'
var $main = $('#main', top.frames["content"].document);
$main.append("<iframe id='contentIFrame' name='contentIFrame' src='" + uri +
"' width='100%' style='height:100%'></iframe>");
complete: function(output){
error: function(output) {
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function fetchImage(uri, $activeLink){
// show loader div
var $loadingStatus = $('#loadingStatus', top.frames["content"].document);
// remember (select) the link that has just been activated
type: "GET",
url: uri,
success: function(output, status, xhr) {
// for images use main parent div 'main-img'
var $mainImg = $('#main-img', top.frames["content"].document);
// for pdf use parent div 'main-pdf'
var $mainPdf = $('#main-pdf', top.frames["content"].document);
// REST service will always return correct content-type
var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
if(contentType === "image/jpeg" || contentType === "image/tiff"){
// for images we also need child div 'container'
var $container = $('#container', top.frames["content"].document);
var img = new Image();
// default: hide image
$(this).attr('id', 'imgId');
// img parent div:
// remove previous img
// insert this img
// hide pdf div and show img div
// fade in image
// remove loader div
$loadingStatus.stop(true, true).fadeOut();
// set the src attribute of the new image to this uri
.attr('src', uri);
}else if(contentType === "application/pdf"){
$mainPdf.empty(); // so I don't have to check whether iframe is already there
$mainPdf.append("<iframe id='contentIFrame' name='contentIFrame' src='" + uri +
"' width='100%' style='height:100%'></iframe>");
// hide img div and show pdf div
error: function(output) {
alert("error " + output);