Visual Basic - ArgumentOutOfRangeException:麻烦索引imageList?

时间:2012-11-18 19:26:55

标签: image exception indexing imagelist


我想把你的注意力转移到picBox_Click子程序,这是抛出异常的地方。线条类似于: sender.Image = imgList.Images.Item(intArray(i)) 是什么原因导致抛出ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions。



Public Class Form1

' Global Variable Declarations:
' Image array that references the 16 picture resources.
Dim imgList As New ImageList()

' Integer array with 16 elements (0-15).
Dim intArray() As Integer = New Integer() {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}

' The last PictureBox Clicked
Dim lastIndex As Integer = 0

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
    imgList.Images.Add("america", My.Resources.america)
    imgList.Images.Add("america", My.Resources.america)
    imgList.Images.Add("canada", My.Resources.canada)
    imgList.Images.Add("canada", My.Resources.canada)
    imgList.Images.Add("italy", My.Resources.italy)
    imgList.Images.Add("italy", My.Resources.italy)
    imgList.Images.Add("egypt", My.Resources.egypt)
    imgList.Images.Add("egypt", My.Resources.egypt)
    imgList.Images.Add("russia", My.Resources.russia)
    imgList.Images.Add("russia", My.Resources.russia)
    imgList.Images.Add("china", My.Resources.china)
    imgList.Images.Add("china", My.Resources.china)
    imgList.Images.Add("united kingdom", My.Resources.united_kingdom)
    imgList.Images.Add("united kingdom", My.Resources.united_kingdom)
    imgList.Images.Add("japan", My.Resources.japan)
    imgList.Images.Add("japan", My.Resources.japan)
End Sub

Sub RandomizeArray()
    Dim temp As Integer
    Dim j As Integer


    For i As Integer = LBound(intArray) To UBound(intArray)
        j = CInt(((UBound(intArray) - i) * Rnd()) + i)
        temp = intArray(i)
        intArray(i) = intArray(ninja)
        intArray(ninja) = temp
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub picBox_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles picBox1.Click, _
    picBox2.Click, picBox3.Click, picBox4.Click, picBox5.Click, picBox6.Click, picBox7.Click, _
    picBox8.Click, picBox9.Click, picBox10.Click, picBox11.Click, picBox12.Click, picBox13.Click, _
    picBox14.Click, picBox15.Click, picBox16.Click

    Dim picBox() As PictureBox = New PictureBox() {picBox1, picBox2, picBox3, picBox4, picBox5, _
                                                   picBox6, picBox7, picBox8, picBox9, picBox10, _
                                                   picBox11, picBox12, picBox13, picBox14, picBox15, _

    Dim i As Integer = FindSenderIndex(sender, picBox)

    If lastIndex = 0 Then
        sender.Image = imgList.Images.Item(intArray(i))
        sender.Enabled = False
        lastIndex = i
        'Timer starts here
    ElseIf imgList.Images.Keys(intArray(lastIndex)).ToString = imgList.Images.Keys(intArray(i)).ToString Then
        sender.Image = imgList.Images.Item(intArray(i))
        sender.Enabled = False
        lastIndex = 0
        'Timer ends here
        resetRecent(sender, picBox)
        picBox(lastIndex).Enabled = True
        lastIndex = 0
        'Adds an extra point to fail
    End If

End Sub

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