
时间:2012-11-18 08:52:49

标签: scala generics functional-programming

我已尝试在Scala中实现StateMachine,但是我遇到了类型系统的问题,让我感到困惑。在下面的代码中,我需要让 guard 函数接受StateMachine的预期子类的参数。不幸的是,由于 FunctionN 参数的类型参数是逆变的,我不知道如何解决这个问题。

class Transition[S, +M <: StateMachine[S]](start: S, end :S, var guard: Option[M => Boolean]) {
// COMPILER ERROR ABOVE LINE : ^^ covariant type M occurs in contravariant position in type => Option[M => Boolean] of method guard ^^
  val startState = start
  val endState = end

  def willFollow(stateMachine: M, withGuard : Boolean) = 
  // COMPILER ERROR ABOVE : ^^ covariant type M occurs in contravariant position in type M of value stateMachine ^^
    if (!withGuard && guard == None) true;
    else (withGuard && guard.get(stateMachine))

class EpsilonTransition[S, M <: StateMachine[S]](start: S,end :S) extends Transition[S, M](start, end, None)

class StateMachine[S](transitions: Set[Transition[S, StateMachine[S]]], initialStates: Set[S]) {
    private val stateDrains = transitions.groupBy(_.startState);
    private var activeStates = initialStates

    def act() = {
      var entryStates = Set[S]()
      var exitStates = Set[S]()

      stateDrains.foreach {drain =>  
        val (exitState, transitionsOut) = drain

        // Follow non-epsilon transitions
        transitionsOut.filter(_.willFollow(this, true)).foreach {transition =>
          exitStates += transition.startState
          entryStates += transition.endState

      // For all exit states we map the state to a set of transitions, and all sets are "flattened" into one big set of transitions
      // which will then filter by those which do not have a guard (epsilon transitions). The resulting filtered list of transitions
      // all contain endStates that we will map to. All of those end states are appended to the current set of entry states.
      entryStates = entryStates ++ (exitStates.flatMap(stateDrains(_)).filter(_.willFollow(this, false)).map(_.endState))

      // Exclude only exit states which we have not re-entered 
      // and then include newly entered states
      activeStates = ((activeStates -- (exitStates -- entryStates)) ++ entryStates) 

    override def toString = activeStates.toString

object HvacState extends Enumeration {
     type HvacState = Value
     val aircon, heater, fan = Value
import HvacState._

object HvacTransitions {
    val autoFan = new EpsilonTransition[HvacState, HVac](aircon, fan)
    val turnOffAc = new Transition[HvacState, HVac](aircon, fan, Some(_.temperature  75))
    val HeaterToFan = new Transition[HvacState,HVac](heater, fan, Some(_.temperature > 50))
import HvacTransitions._

class HVac extends StateMachine[HvacState](Set(autoFan, turnOffAc, AcToHeater, HeaterToAc, HeaterToFan), Set(heater)) {
  var temperature = 40

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



相反,你有一个StateMachine类得到一个转换集[S,StateMachine [S]]。这是有效的,但结果是StateMachine只接受“标准”转换,不需要机器上的任何特殊转换。您可以定义需要特殊机器(带温度)的转换,但即使它们与它兼容,机器也无法接受这些特殊转换。


你需要做的是让StandardMachine类接受特殊的转换,它现在拒绝,但当然只有与机器兼容的转换(如果你不提供这种保证,编译器将拒绝代码)。 可能更简单的方法是将类型M放在机器中,以便您可以正确地表达约束。


class StateMachine[S, M](
例如,我们需要在引用StateMachine的任何地方添加M参数 class Transition[S, M <: StateMachine[S, M]]class Hvac extends StateMachine[HvacState, Hvac]


class StateMachine[S,M](transitions: Set[Transition[S, M]]], ...


transitionsOut.filter(_.willFollow(this, true)).foreach {transition =>
type mismatch;  found   : StateMachine.this.type (with underlying type StateMachine[S,M])  required: M

好吧,我们介绍了类型M,但我们没有将一些M传递给机器,我们正在传递this。这是一个StateMachine [S,M],它不需要是M.我们当然希望M成为机器的类型,但不一定是这种情况。我们不愿意声明StateMachine [S,M]必须是M.我们用自我类型来做:

class StateMachine[S, M](
   transitions: Set[Transition[S, M]], 
   initialStates: Set[S]) { this: M => 
 // body of the class


这:M =&gt;声明该类的每个实例都必须是泛型参数M的实例。我们强制它为M,因此错误消失。

然后M <: StateMachine[S, M中的约束Transition]挡住了我们,我们不需要它,我们只是删除它:Transition[S, M]。或者,我们可以在StateMachine上添加相同的约束。

这充分利用了类型系统的问题,但是它可能更容易隔离机器状态,也就是说,而不是让自己type this: M =>有一些{{1} },并将其传递给警卫而不是def machineState: M。在这种情况下,this将是Hvac(或者更温和地封装温度而不是Double),


  • 转换:删除M上的约束,删除协方差:


  • EpsilonTransition:删除M


    类EpsilonTransition [S,M]

  • StateMachine[HvacState, Double]:添加类型参数StateMachine,使用M作为转换的参数,并将M设置为自我类型:

    class StateMachine [S,M](转换:设置[Transition [S,M]],initialStates:Set [S]){this:M =&gt;

  • M:您复制的代码中缺少运算符,添加了turnOffAcc

  • <:将自己添加为第二个通用参数:HVac。此外,某些转换class HVac extends StateMachine[HvacState]AcToHeater没有出现在您复制的代码中,因此我只删除了它们。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


class Transition[S, M <: StateMachine[S]](start: S, end: S, var guard: Option[M => Boolean]) {
  val startState = start
  val endState = end

  def willFollow[MM <: M](stateMachine: MM, withGuard: Boolean) =
    if (!withGuard && guard == None) true
    else (withGuard && guard.get(stateMachine))

基本上,Option[M => Boolean]将采用任何取M或更大的函数并转到布尔值。例如,Any => Boolean可行。这是逆变的。但是,您的willFollow方法需要采用小于M的任何方法,因为它适用于至少类型为M的函数。这是一个更好的解释,因为您可能正在寻找一个:Why doesn't the example compile, aka how does (co-, contra-, and in-) variance work?