更新后删除Air iOS SharedObject

时间:2012-11-17 20:20:42

标签: ios actionscript-3 flash air shared-objects



游戏的两个版本都是使用Flash CS 6和Air SDK 3.5制作的。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



下面是我使用自己的工作的Archive类,但我以前从未为iOS开发过,所以我不确定它是否会像在其他部署目标上一样运行,尽管我认为应该这样做。 / p>


import com.mattie.data.Archive;
import com.mattie.events.ArchiveEvent;

private static const PREF_CANVAS_VOLUME:String = "prefCanvasVolume";
private static const DEFAULT_VOLUME:Number = 0.5;

//Initialize Archive
private function initArchive():void
    archive = new Archive();
    archive.addEventListener(ArchiveEvent.LOAD, init);

private function init(event:ArchiveEvent):void
    archive.removeEventListener(ArchiveEvent.LOAD, init);

    canvasVolume = archive.read(PREF_CANVAS_VOLUME, DEFAULT_VOLUME);         

//Application Exiting Event Handler
private function applicationExitingEventHandler(event:Event):void
    stage.nativeWindow.removeEventListener(Event.CLOSING, applicationExitingEventHandler);

    archive.write(PREF_CANVAS_VOLUME, canvas.volume);

    archive.addEventListener(ArchiveEvent.SAVE, archiveSavedEventHandler);

//Archive Saved Event Handler
private function archiveSavedEventHandler(event:ArchiveEvent):void
    archive.removeEventListener(ArchiveEvent.SAVE, archiveSavedEventHandler);


<强> Archive Class

package com.mattie.data
    import com.mattie.events.ArchiveEvent;
    import flash.data.EncryptedLocalStore;
    import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;
    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
    import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
    import flash.net.registerClassAlias;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;

    public final class Archive extends EventDispatcher
        private static var singleton:Archive;

        private var file:File;
        private var data:Object;

        public function Archive()
            if (singleton)
                throw new Error("Archive is a singleton that is only accessible via the \"archive\" public property.");

            file = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(NativeApplication.nativeApplication.applicationID + "Archive");

            data = new Object();

            registerClassAlias("Item", Item);

        public function load():void
            if (file.exists)
                var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
                fileStream.open(file, FileMode.READ);

                data = fileStream.readObject();


            dispatchEvent(new ArchiveEvent(ArchiveEvent.LOAD));

        public function read(key:String, defaultValue:* = null):*
            var value:* = defaultValue;

            if (data[key] != undefined)
                var item:Item = Item(data[key]);

                if (item.encrypted)
                    var bytes:ByteArray = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem(key);

                    if (bytes == null)
                        return value;

                    switch (item.value)
                        case "Boolean":     value = bytes.readBoolean();                        break;
                        case "int":         value = bytes.readInt();                            break;
                        case "uint":        value = bytes.readUnsignedInt();                    break;
                        case "Number":      value = bytes.readDouble();                         break;
                        case "ByteArray":           bytes.readBytes(value = new ByteArray());   break;

                        default:            value = bytes.readUTFBytes(bytes.length);
                    value = item.value;                    

            return value;

        public function write(key:String, value:*, encrypted:Boolean = false, autoSave:Boolean = false):void
            var oldValue:* = read(key);

            if (oldValue != value)
                var item:Item = new Item();
                item.encrypted = encrypted;

                if (encrypted)
                    var constructorString:String = String(value.constructor);
                    constructorString = constructorString.substring(constructorString.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, constructorString.length - 1);

                    item.value = constructorString;

                    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

                    switch (value.constructor)
                        case Boolean:       bytes.writeBoolean(value);          break;                  
                        case int:           bytes.writeInt(value);              break;
                        case uint:          bytes.writeUnsignedInt(value);      break;
                        case Number:        bytes.writeDouble(value);           break;
                        case ByteArray:     bytes.writeBytes(value);            break;

                        default:            bytes.writeUTFBytes(value);

                    EncryptedLocalStore.setItem(key, bytes);
                    item.value = value;                    

                data[key] = item;

                dispatchEvent(new ArchiveEvent(ArchiveEvent.WRITE, key, oldValue, value));

                if (autoSave)

        public function remove(key:String, autoSave:Boolean = false):void
            if (data[key] != undefined)
                var oldValue:* = read(key);

                if (Item(data[key]).encrypted)

                delete data[key];

                dispatchEvent(new ArchiveEvent(ArchiveEvent.DELETE, key, oldValue));

                if (autoSave)

        public function contains(key:String):Boolean
            return (data[key] != undefined);

        public function save():void
            var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
            fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);

            dispatchEvent(new ArchiveEvent(ArchiveEvent.SAVE));

        //Get Singleton
        public static function get archive():Archive
            if (!singleton)
                singleton = new Archive();

            return singleton;

class Item
    public var value:*;
    public var encrypted:Boolean = false;

<强> Archive Event Class

package com.mattie.events
    import flash.events.Event;

    public class ArchiveEvent extends Event
        public static const LOAD:String = "load";
        public static const WRITE:String = "write";
        public static const DELETE:String = "delete";
        public static const SAVE:String = "save";

        public var key:String;
        public var oldValue:*;
        public var newValue:*;

        public function ArchiveEvent(type:String, key:String = null, oldValue:* = null, newValue:* = null) 

            this.key = key;
            this.oldValue = oldValue;
            this.newValue = newValue;

        public override function clone():Event
            return new ArchiveEvent(type, key, oldValue, newValue);

        //To String
        public override function toString():String
            return formatToString("ArchiveEvent", "type", "key", "oldValue", "newValue");