
时间:2012-11-17 13:00:25

标签: java design-patterns




public interface RailgunState 

    public String fire(Point p, int rounds);
    public String move(Point p);

public class Railgun 
     * @param ammo repersent the current ammonitions.
     int ammo = 0;
     * @param MAX_AMMO repersent the maximum ammonitions.
      public static int MAX_AMMO = 10;
    int test = 10;
     *@param position represent the possition of the state 
    Point position;
    Point point;
    //ask mark
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int result = 6;
     * @param damagedState represent an object of DamagedState
    RailgunState damagedState ;
    RailgunState needAmmoState ;
    RailgunState normalState ;
     * @param state represent the state of the RailGun
    RailgunState state; 

        damagedState = new DamagedState();
        needAmmoState = new NeedAmmoState();
        normalState = new NormalState();
        state = normalState;
    /** fire().
     * @param p is the coordinates of the target
     * @param rounds number of rounds HQ has requested
     * @return success/ partial success/ failure
    public String fire(Point p, int rounds)
         return "Fire order: Success 6/6";

    /**  move(). success or failure only the string
     * @param p is the destination
     * @return success or failure when a railgun can move to the destination
    public String move(Point p)
        position = p;
        return  "Move order: Success" ; 

     * @return the possstion of the point 
    public Point getPosition()
        return position ;

    void setPosition(Point position)
        this.position = position;

     public RailgunState getState()
        return state;

    void setAmmo(int ammo) 
        this.ammo = ammo;

    public Point getPoint() {
        return point;

    public RailgunState getDamagedState() {
        return damagedState;

    public RailgunState getNeedAmmoState() {
        return needAmmoState;

    public RailgunState getNormalState() {
        return normalState;

    int getAmmo()
        return MAX_AMMO;

    void setState(RailgunState state)
         this.state = state;
    void setState(NeedAmmoState needAmmoState)
        this.state = needAmmoState;

    void setState(NormalState normal)
        this.state = normalState;
        void setState(DamagedState damagedState)
        this.state = damagedState;

public class NormalState implements RailgunState {

    Railgun railgun;    
    static int MAX_AMMO = 10;
    int result = 6;

    public String fire(Point p, int rounds) 
        MAX_AMMO -= rounds;
        if((MAX_AMMO >= 0) && (rounds == result))
            NeedAmmoState needAmmo = new NeedAmmoState();
            System.out.println("Seccuees: " + MAX_AMMO);
            NormalState state = new NormalState();
            return "Fire order: Success 6/6";
        else if((MAX_AMMO < 0) && (MAX_AMMO != -result))
              System.out.println("Partial: " + MAX_AMMO);
              Railgun.MAX_AMMO = 0;
              System.out.println("Partial: " + MAX_AMMO);
              NeedAmmoState needAmmo = new NeedAmmoState();
              return "Fire order: Partial success 4/6";

             System.out.println("Fail: " + MAX_AMMO);
             DamagedState damaged = new DamagedState();
             return "Fire order: Failure 0/6";

    public String move(Point p)
        return p + "";

     * @return the possstion of the point 
    public Point getPosition()
        return railgun.getPosition();

public class NeedAmmoState implements RailgunState
    Point position;
    Railgun railgun;

    public String fire(Point p, int rounds)
          return "Fire order: Failed 0/4";

    public String move(Point p)
        railgun = new Railgun();
        position = p;
        return  "Move order: Success" ; 

    void setPosition(Point position)
        this.position = position;
    int getAmmo()
        return Railgun.MAX_AMMO;

     * @return the possstion of the point 
    public Point getPosition()
        int x = 320;
        int y = 43;
        Point p = new Point(x,y);
        return p;

public class NormalStateTest {

     * Test of fire method, of class NormalState.
    public void testFire() {
        final Railgun railgun = new Railgun();
        railgun.setState(new NormalState());
        final int numRounds = 6;
        final int x = 100;
        final int y = 340;

        // This fire mission should be completely successful
        String actualResult = railgun.fire(new Point(x, y), numRounds);
        String expectedResult = "Fire order: Success 6/6";
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

        // This fire mission should be partially successful
        actualResult = railgun.fire(new Point(x, y), numRounds);
        expectedResult = "Fire order: Partial success 4/6";
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

        // This fire mission should fail
        actualResult = railgun.fire(new Point(x, y), numRounds);
        expectedResult = "Fire order: Failure 0/6";
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

        // Check state change to NeedAmmo state
        assertEquals(railgun.getState().getClass(), NeedAmmoState.class); 

     * Test of move method, of class NormalState. Should always succeed.
    public void testMove() {
        final Railgun railgun = new Railgun();
        final int x = 129;
        final int y = 444;
        final String actualResult = railgun.move(new Point(x, y));
        final String expectedResult = "Move order: Success";
        assertEquals(new Point(x, y), railgun.getPosition());
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public String fire(Point p, int rounds) {
     return "Fire order: Success 6/6";

public String fire(Point p, int rounds) {
     return state.fire(p, rounds);