使用($ 6> 0:$ 6:NaN)
今天出现此问题,因为图表中的第6列今天全部为零。这是一件好事(没有图像花费超过60分钟来处理)。我希望gnuplot能够简单地抑制零值(根据plotscript中' plot'行中的三元运算符),如果所有值都被抑制,那么直方图的那一列就没有数据。正常和预期;除了gnuplot不喜欢它。
set terminal 'pngcairo'
set key center under horizontal font ",8"
set style data histogram
set style histogram rowstacked
set style fill solid 1.0
set boxwidth 0.5 relative
set xtics border in scale 0.5,0.25 nomirror rotate by 45 font ",8" offset character -2, -1, 0 right
set xtics autofreq norangelimit
set ytics border in scale 0.5,0.25 nomirror norotate font ",8" offset character 0, 0, 0 autojustify
set ytics autofreq norangelimit
set y2tics border in scale 0.5,0.25 nomirror norotate font ",8" offset character 0, 0, 0 autojustify
set y2tics 1800 norangelimit
set my2tics 6
set title "Image Processing Trends"
set title offset character 0, 0, 0 font ",18" norotate
set timestamp "" bottom offset character 0,-2,0
unset xlabel
set ylabel "Nbr of Images (bars)"
set ylabel offset character 2, 0, 0 font ",8" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
set y2label "Avg Time in Seconds (line)"
set y2label offset character 0, 0, 0 font ",8" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
set zero 1e-08
set label "Generated by Luna" font ",6" tc rgb "#808080" at graph 1,-0.25 right
plot 'datafile' using (sum [i=2:4] column(i)):xtic(1) title "< 15 min" lc rgb "#00FF50", '' using ($5>0?$5:NaN) title columnhead lc rgb "#F0F000", '' using ($6>0?$6:NaN) title columnhead lc rgb "#FF0000"
"Date" "< 5 min" "5 - 10 min" "10 - 15 min" "15 - 60 min" "> 60 min" "Avg ET"
2012-10-26 1099 71 23 0 0 184
2012-10-29 16 0 0 0 0 81
2012-10-30 5 0 0 0 0 76
2012-10-31 650 41 24 19 0 176
2012-11-01 831 118 11 0 0 169
2012-11-02 671 158 195 91 0 353
2012-11-05 887 127 64 81 0 287
2012-11-06 1343 35 8 0 0 139
2012-11-07 1018 233 201 112 0 334
2012-11-08 1140 433 143 16 0 271
2012-11-09 1192 115 15 0 0 168
2012-11-12 1008 90 17 1 0 173
2012-11-13 911 62 5 0 0 160
2012-11-14 1066 346 219 68 0 317
2012-11-15 754 110 0 0 0 170
答案 0 :(得分:1)
,数学上未定义的表达式默默地忽略(参见例如注释{{3 }})。在您的逻辑中使用NaN
"<scriptname>", line xx: All points in histogram UNDEFINED
"<scriptname>", line xx: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
它将生成包含其余数据的图。由于它正在完全跳过数据集,因此“> 60分钟”也不会出现在图例中,您可能需要这样做。
plot 'datafile' using (sum [i=2:4] column(i)):xtic(1) title "< 15 min" lc rgb "#00FF50", '' using ($5>0?$5:1/0) title columnhead lc rgb "#F0F000", '' using ($6>0?$6:1/0) title columnhead lc rgb "#FF0000"
除了警告消息,通知您没有数据要绘制> 60分钟(我们知道开始),这应该有效。
我使用了gnuplot v4.6 patchlevel 0。