C ++跳过函数

时间:2012-11-16 04:38:52

标签: c++ function




该程序应该采用这样的文件:   例如: 不是11010001 并且它应该以字符串形式读取命令,以数组形式读取二进制文件,然后对二进制文件执行命令。

这里的代码只是主要功能,只是不想一次性发送一个墙,如果这看起来没问题,那么我很乐意添加其余部分。此外,void Operate()函数几乎以某种方式调用所有其他函数......我不确定这是什么导致它或什么。打印表只有cout是一个表格,用于放置所有信息。


/* ========================================================================== */

/* Prototypes */

int Power (int, int);

int ReadFile (ifstream inputFile);

void Operate (const int, ifstream&, string, int, int, int);

void CommandNot (const int, int, int);

void CommandAnd (const int, int, int, int);

void CommandOr (const int, int, int, int);

int CommandConvert (const int, int, int);

void CommandLshift (const int, int, int, int);

void PrintTable ();

void PrintOperand (const int &, int);

int main ()


const int BIT_SIZE = 8;


string fileName = "binaryData.txt";

    int operandOne [BIT_SIZE];

    int operandTwo [BIT_SIZE];

    int operandResult [BIT_SIZE];

    ifstream inputFile;

    PrintTable ();
    Operate (BIT_SIZE, inputFile, fileName, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandTwo[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);

    return 0;

void PrintTable ()

    cout << "=================================================" << endl;
    cout << "=      Eight Bit Binary Number Manipulator      =" << endl;
    cout << "=================================================" << endl << endl;

    cout << setw(14) << "COMMAND" << "Operand #1" << "Operand #2" << "Shift" << "Result" << endl;
    cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;


void Operate (const int BIT_SIZE, ifstream& inputFile, string fileName, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[])
    int count, shift;
    char myChar;
    string command;

    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;  //rename constant

    inputFile.open (fileName);

    if ( !inputFile )       //Check if file opened sucessfully
        cout << "Error: Data file could not be opened" << endl;

    while (inputFile)       //Read file, and apply commands
        inputFile >> command;
        cout << command << endl;
        for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
            inputFile >> myChar;
            operandOne[count] = myChar - '0';

        if (command == "NOT")
            CommandNot (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
            PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
        else if (command == "AND")
            count = 0;
            for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
                inputFile >> myChar;
                operandTwo[count] = myChar - '0';

            CommandAnd (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandTwo[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
            PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
        else if (command == "OR")
            count = 0;
            for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
                inputFile >> myChar;
                operandTwo[count] = myChar - '0';

            CommandOr (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandTwo[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
            PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
        else if (command == "CONVERT")
            CommandConvert (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
            PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
        else if (command == "LSHIFT")
            inputFile >> shift;
            CommandLshift (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE], shift);
            PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);

            command = "INVALID";
            PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE]);
            cout << "--- ERROR! Invalid Command ---";


    return ;

void CommandNot (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandResult[])

    int count;
    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;

    for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
        if (operandOne[count] == 0)
            operandResult[count] = 1;
            operandResult[count] = 0;


void CommandAnd (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[])

    int count;
    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;

    for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
        if ((operandOne[count] == 1) && (operandTwo[count] == 1))
            operandResult[count] = 1;
            operandResult[count] = 0;


void CommandOr (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[])

    int count;
    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;

    for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
        if ((operandOne[count] == 0) && (operandTwo[count] == 0))
            operandResult[count] = 0;
            operandResult[count] = 1;


int CommandConvert (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[])

    int count;
    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
    int baseTenResult = 0;
    int place;

    for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
        place = SIZE - (count + 1);
        if (operandOne[count] == 1)
            baseTenResult = baseTenResult + Power (2, place);

    return baseTenResult;

void CommandLshift (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandResult[], int shift)

    int count;
    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
    int shiftStart = SIZE - shift;

    for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE-shift; count++ )
        operandResult[count] = operandOne[count + shift];

    for ( count = SIZE - shift; count < SIZE; count++ )
        operandResult[count] = 0;


int Power (int base, int power)
    int count;
    int result = 1;

    for ( count = 0; count < power; count++ )
        result = result * base;

    return result;

void PrintOperand (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandResult[])

    int count;
    const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;

    for ( count = 0;  count < SIZE; count++ )
        cout << operandResult[count];


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


void PrintTable();
void Operate (const int BIT_SIZE, ifstream& inputFile, string fileName, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[]);





#include <iostream>

const int SIZE = 3;

/* This is a simpified version of 'operate'. It
   takes one argument, which is an array of integers. */    
void operate(int a[])
  /* The only thing I do is to iterate through
     all elements of the array and print them. */
  int i = 0;
  while (i < SIZE) {
    std::cout << a[i] << std::endl;

  /* IMPORTANT: The length of the array is defined by a
     global constant SIZE. Alternatively, you can pass
     along the size of the array as a separate argument
     to the function. */

int main()
  /* Main program. Here is our array: */
  int my_array[SIZE] = { 1,2,3 };

  /* And here we call our function: */
  return 0;

然而,所有这一切都有点复杂,并不像C ++中那样(而不是C)。很可能,你会更好地不使用数组,并用std::vector替换它们。最好检查cppreference以获取如何使用它的示例(也可以单击某些成员函数,例如构造函数和push_back以获取特定的代码示例。)