
时间:2012-11-15 17:20:05

标签: postgresql csv batch-file


将其分解为字段创建一个临时sql表 将这些字段插入数据库表的一行


这个脚本现在分为4个部分,文件初始化;文件创建,处理和复制数据,   一切都工作正常,除了在fil.sql上我输出为

                       CREATE TEMP TABLE temtab(
                        firstcolumn character varying (255),
                         secondcolumn character varying (255),
                            lastcolumn character varying (255),
                         \COPY temtab from bio.csv WITH DELIMITER ; csv HEADER


                       CREATE TEMP TABLE temtab (
                       firstcolumn character varying (255),
                       secondcolumn character varying (255),
                         lastcolumn character varying (255)
                   \COPY temtab from bio.csv WITH DELIMITER ; csv HEADER

            @echo off
            ::setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
            REM Assiging dir to current directory
              SET dir=%CD%
              REM Defining database name
               SET dbname=****
               REM Defining Host name
                 SET host=****
               REM Defining user
                 SET user=****
                 REM Defining Port
         SET port=****
               REM SQL file where query is to be executed
                 SET sqfile=fil.sql

           SET fi=bio.csv




          REM Assigning name of temporary table 
                  SET tabnam=temtab
             REM  Setting delimiter to variable delim
             SET delim=;
        REM Declaring variable numfields to store index of variable names array  
    set numFields=0
    echo para setted
    set fi=bio.csv
    SET tex=text
    SET com=,

          REM Setting create temporary table command with table name tabnam
             SET creat=CREATE TEMP TABLE %tabnam%
             echo %creat%


                REM Executing loop for each file in current directory
          echo %creat%>fil.sql
        REM Read the lines of the CSV file
        For /F  "eol==" %%A in (bio.csv) Do ( set "line=%%A" 

                REM check if index of array is 0
                     if !numFields! equ 0  (
                      REM Fisrt line, Store in array name
                         for %%B in (!line: ^=!) do (
                echo %%B character varying (255^),>>fil.sql   

                        set /A numFields+=1
                    set name[!numFields!]=%%B
                    ) ) )


           echo \COPY %tabnam% from %fi% WITH DELIMITER %delim% csv HEADER
            echo \COPY %tabnam% from %fi% WITH DELIMITER %delim% csv HEADER;>>fil.sql

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



@echo off
rem General-purpose CSV file reader program
rem Antonio Perez Ayala

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set numFields=0
rem Read the lines of the CSV file
for /F "delims=" %%a in (CSVfile.csv) do (
   set "line=%%a"
   if !numFields! equ 0 (
      rem It is the first line: break it into an array of field names (removing spaces)
      for %%b in (!line: ^=!) do (
         set /A numFields+=1
         set name[!numFields!]=%%b
   ) else (
      rem Replace spaces by Ascii-128 (to avoid split values that may have spaces)
      set "line=!line: =Ç!"
      rem Insert any char. at beginning of each field, and separate fields with spaces
      set i=0
      for %%b in (X!line:^,^= X!) do (
         set "field=%%b"
         rem Recover spaces in this field, if any
         set "field=!field:Ç= !"
         rem And assign it to corresponding variable (removing first character)
         set /A i+=1
         for %%i in (!i!) do set "!name[%%i]!=!field:~1!"
      rem At this point all variables have the values of current record.
      rem They may be accessed explicitly (ie, from example CSVfile.csv):
      echo Record of !FirstName! !LastName!
      rem ... or implicilty via the NAME array:
      for /L %%i in (3,1,!numFields!) do (
         for %%b in (!name[%%i]!) do echo    %%b: !%%b!


First Name,Last Name,Address,Postal Code,Company,Departament,Floor,Phone,Mobile
John,Smith,123 Fake Street,45612,SomeCo,Accounting,4,123-555-5555,123-555-5556
Jane,Doe,123 Fake Street,,SomeCo,,4,123-555-5555,123-555-5556


Record of John Smith
   Address: 123 Fake Street
   PostalCode: 45612
   Company: SomeCo
   Departament: Accounting
   Floor: 4
   Phone: 123-555-5555
   Mobile: 123-555-5556

Record of Jane Doe
   Address: 123 Fake Street
   Company: SomeCo
   Floor: 4
   Phone: 123-555-5555
   Mobile: 123-555-5556

请注意,此程序使用多种高级批处理技术。我建议你在你不完全理解的每个命令上得到帮助(例如:SET /?)并仔细阅读。如果在此过程之后您对此计划有其他疑问,请将其作为原始问题的修改发布。


编辑: 当没有空字段时修改后的版本

@echo off
rem CSV file reader program when no empty fields exist
rem Antonio Perez Ayala

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set numFields=0
rem Read the lines of the CSV file
for /F "delims=" %%a in (CSVfile.csv) do (
   set "line=%%a"
   if !numFields! equ 0 (
      rem It is the first line: break it into an array of field names (removing spaces)
      for %%b in (!line: ^=!) do (
         set /A numFields+=1
         set name[!numFields!]=%%b
   ) else (
      rem Replace spaces by Ascii-128 (to avoid split values that may have spaces)
      set "line=!line: =Ç!"
      rem Separate fields (using comma as standard Batch separator)
      set i=0
      for %%b in (!line!) do (
         set "field=%%b"
         rem Assign this field to corresponding variable, recovering spaces
         set /A i+=1
         for %%i in (!i!) do set "!name[%%i]!=!field:Ç= !"
      rem At this point all variables have the values of current record.
      rem They may be accessed explicitly (ie, from example CSVfile.csv):
      echo Record of !FirstName! !LastName!
      rem ... or implicilty via the NAME array:
      for /L %%i in (3,1,!numFields!) do (
         for %%b in (!name[%%i]!) do echo    %%b: !%%b!


for %a in (one two,three;four=five) do echo %a


编辑: 新请求的修改(删除最后一个逗号)

消除最后一个逗号并非微不足道,尽管也不是太复杂。我希望我的方法易于理解;它基于显示文本的SET / P命令行为(输入提示),结尾没有新行;请注意格式为SET /P =text>>out<NUL。需要<NUL部分,因此SET / P不会等待输入;不要在<之前留空格(与>>相同)。但是,我认为这种行为在Windows Vista和更高版本中不起作用。如果该方法不适合您,则必须再次修改...


REM Executing loop for each file in current directory
REM *This may be done with a FOR loop:*
::*for %%F in (*.csv) do (*
    REM *The file name is given by %%F. In this case, the fileinitialization part*
    REM *must be done here, for example:*
    set numFields=0
    echo %creat%>fil.sql
    REM Read the lines of the CSV file
    For /F "eol==" %%A in (bio.csv) Do ( 
        set "line=%%A" 
        REM check if index of array is 0
        if !numFields! equ 0  (
            REM First line, Store in array name
            for %%B in (!line: ^=!) do (
                REM Note that I changed the place of the ECHO command
                set /A numFields+=1
                set name[!numFields!]=%%B
                if !numFields! equ 1 (
                    REM First field: show it with NO comma and NO NEW LINE
                    set /P =%%B (text^)>>%sqfile%<NUL
                ) else (
                    REM Next fields: complete the comma of previous field, WITH NEW LINE
                    echo ,>>%sqfile%
                    REM ... and show this field with NO comma and NO NEW LINE (again)
                    set /P =%%B (text^)>>%sqfile%<NUL
            REM Insert the new line of last field (that have NOT comma :-)


