通过将参数传递给“变为”来改变Akka actor状态

时间:2012-11-15 15:07:50

标签: scala akka actor


// This is where I store information received by the actor
// In my real application it has more fields, though.
case class Information(list:List[AnyRef]) {
    def received(x:AnyRef) = {
        Information(list :+ x)

class MyActor extends Actor {

    // Initial receive block that simply waits for a "start" signal
    def receive = {
        case Start => {

    // The main waiting state. In my real application, I have multiple of
    // these which all have a parameter of type "Information"
    def waiting(info:Information):Receive = {

        // If a certain amount of messages was received, I decide what action
        // to take next.
        if(someCondition) {

        return {
            case Bar(x) => {
                // !!! Problem occurs here !!!
                // This is where the problem occurs, apparently. After a decision has been
                // made, (i.e. decideNextState was invoked), the info list should've been
                // cleared. But when I check the size of the info list here, after a decision
                // has been made, it appears to still contain all the messages received
                // earlier.
                become(waiting(info received x))

    def decideNextState(info:Information) {
        // Some logic, then the received information list is cleared and 
        // we enter a new state.



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


如果someCondition为真,那么你的演员进入一个状态,我们称之为S1,其特征是值为Information(List())。然后你返回(顺便说一句,避免使用return,除非绝对必要)一个接收方法,它将你的actor放入一个以列表信息(somePreviousList:+ x)为特征的状态S2。所以在这一点上你的状态堆栈顶部有S1。但是当您收到Bar(x)消息时,状态S2将被推送,从而覆盖S1并且您实际上转换为以旧值+新x的信息为特征的状态。


但是我会建议重写代码,因为看起来改变的状态是类型信息的东西,你正在使用Akka的actor状态转换来操纵这个状态,这根本不是最好的工具。 becomeunbecome旨在用于从演员的行为的不同状态转换。也就是说,演员可以随时使用不同的行为,并使用becomeunbecome来改变这些行为。


class MyActor extends Actor {

    private var info = Information(List.empty)

    def receive = {
        case Start => info = Information(List()) //a bit redundant, but it's just to match 1:1 with your code
        case Bar(x) => {
            if (someCondition) {
                info = Information(List.empty)
            info = info received x

