
时间:2012-11-15 08:56:22

标签: markdown pandoc

有没有办法从对象生成表(Python / Ruby / Java / C#)?



  • 报告引擎位于C#
  • 有生成DOCX的对象(有中间XML或类似的东西)
  • 几乎总是我必须做一些小修补,我必须在MS Word中打开docx文档
  • 要求开发人员团队修复每一个错误都很麻烦,因为他们没有时间立即执行此操作,我必须等待下一个版本。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

我需要做同样的事情来生成Doxygen Markdown表,所以我想我会分享。我已经在Python 2.7和3.3中成功运行了示例代码,尽管我不能声称我已经严格测试过它。

# Generates tables for Doxygen flavored Markdown.  See the Doxygen
# documentation for details:
#   http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/markdown.html#md_tables

# Translation dictionaries for table alignment
left_rule = {'<': ':', '^': ':', '>': '-'}
right_rule = {'<': '-', '^': ':', '>': ':'}

def evalute_field(record, field_spec):
    Evalute a field of a record using the type of the field_spec as a guide.
    if type(field_spec) is int:
        return str(record[field_spec])
    elif type(field_spec) is str:
        return str(getattr(record, field_spec))
        return str(field_spec(record))

def table(file, records, fields, headings, alignment = None):
    Generate a Doxygen-flavor Markdown table from records.

    file -- Any object with a 'write' method that takes a single string
    records -- Iterable.  Rows will be generated from this.
    fields -- List of fields for each row.  Each entry may be an integer,
        string or a function.  If the entry is an integer, it is assumed to be
        an index of each record.  If the entry is a string, it is assumed to be
        a field of each record.  If the entry is a function, it is called with
        the record and its return value is taken as the value of the field.
    headings -- List of column headings.
    alignment - List of pairs alignment characters.  The first of the pair
        specifies the alignment of the header, (Doxygen won't respect this, but
        it might look good, the second specifies the alignment of the cells in
        the column.

        Possible alignment characters are:
            '<' = Left align (default for cells)
            '>' = Right align
            '^' = Center (default for column headings)

    num_columns = len(fields)
    assert len(headings) == num_columns

    # Compute the table cell data
    columns = [[] for i in range(num_columns)]
    for record in records:
        for i, field in enumerate(fields):
            columns[i].append(evalute_field(record, field))

    # Fill out any missing alignment characters.
    extended_align = alignment if alignment != None else []
    if len(extended_align) > num_columns:
        extended_align = extended_align[0:num_columns]
    elif len(extended_align) < num_columns:
        extended_align += [('^', '<')
                           for i in range[num_columns-len(extended_align)]]

    heading_align, cell_align = [x for x in zip(*extended_align)]

    field_widths = [len(max(column, key=len)) if len(column) > 0 else 0
                    for column in columns]
    heading_widths = [max(len(head), 2) for head in headings]
    column_widths = [max(x) for x in zip(field_widths, heading_widths)]

    _ = ' | '.join(['{:' + a + str(w) + '}'
                    for a, w in zip(heading_align, column_widths)])
    heading_template = '| ' + _ + ' |'
    _ = ' | '.join(['{:' + a + str(w) + '}'
                    for a, w in zip(cell_align, column_widths)])
    row_template = '| ' + _ + ' |'

    _ = ' | '.join([left_rule[a] + '-'*(w-2) + right_rule[a]
                    for a, w in zip(cell_align, column_widths)])
    ruling = '| ' + _ + ' |'

    file.write(heading_template.format(*headings).rstrip() + '\n')
    file.write(ruling.rstrip() + '\n')
    for row in zip(*columns):
        file.write(row_template.format(*row).rstrip() + '\n')


import sys

sys.stdout.write('State Capitals (source: Wikipedia)\n\n')

headings = ['State', 'Abrev.', 'Capital', 'Capital since', 'Population',
            'Largest Population?']

data = [('Alabama', 'AL', '1819', 'Montgomery', '1846', 155.4, False,
        ('Alaska', 'AK', '1959', 'Juneau', '1906', 2716.7, False, 31275),
        ('Arizona', 'AZ', '1912', 'Phoenix', '1889',474.9, True, 1445632),
        ('Arkansas', 'AR', '1836', 'Little Rock', '1821', 116.2, True,

fields = [0, 1, 3, 4, 7, lambda rec: 'Yes' if rec[6] else 'No']

align = [('^', '<'), ('^', '^'), ('^', '<'), ('^', '^'), ('^', '>'),

table(sys.stdout, data, fields, headings, align)


State Capitals (source: Wikipedia)

|  State   | Abrev. |   Capital   | Capital since | Population | Largest Population? |
| :------- | :----: | :---------- | :-----------: | ---------: | :-----------------: |
| Alabama  |   AL   | Montgomery  |     1846      |     205764 |         No          |
| Alaska   |   AK   | Juneau      |     1906      |      31275 |         No          |
| Arizona  |   AZ   | Phoenix     |     1889      |    1445632 |         Yes         |
| Arkansas |   AR   | Little Rock |     1821      |     193524 |         Yes         |



答案 1 :(得分:1)

我需要以编程方式为recent project生成Markdown,因此我构建了一个库并将其发布到GitHub上。希望你会发现它很有用。



var data = new[]
    new{Year = 1991, Album = "Out of Time", Songs=11, Rating = "* * * *"},
    new{Year = 1992, Album = "Automatic for the People", Songs=12, Rating = "* * * * *"},
    new{Year = 1994, Album = "Monster", Songs=12, Rating = "* * *"}


// Produces:
//     Year | Album                    | Songs | Rating   
//     ----:| ------------------------ | -----:| --------- 
//     1991 | Out of Time              |    11 | * * * *  
//     1992 | Automatic for the People |    12 | * * * * *
//     1994 | Monster                  |    12 | * * *    



内置支持所有standard Markdown elementsGFM tables。我还添加了一些我需要的额外元素类型(条形图,iOS UITableView),它们实现为code blocks,因此它们仍然符合Markdown标准。



答案 2 :(得分:0)

使用 Apache Freemarker 通过 Java 代码呈现 HTML,然后将其转换为 Markdown。这是将 HTML 表格转换为 Markdown 的方法。

Flexmark-java to convert HTML table to Markdown