
时间:2012-11-13 05:09:47

标签: objective-c block




- (void)doWorkWithString:(NSString *)someString
    [NSFoo doAwesomeClassMethodWithBlock:^{
        // How can I modify someString here directly?
        // By just changing someString, I'm changing the captured copy

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




答案 1 :(得分:1)

你对捕获的看法是正确的;您可能想要做的是提供应该作为块的主题的对象作为它的参数 - 就像您调用C函数一样。例如,

void (^ someBlock)(NSString *) =
    ^(NSString *someString)
        NSLog(@"length is %d", [someString length]);


someBlock(@"String 1");
someBlock(@"A second string");

答案 2 :(得分:1)


- (void)yourMethod:(Foo *)parameterFoo
    __block Foo *blockVariable = [Foo someFoo];
    Foo *capturedVariable = [Foo anotherFoo];

    void(^doWorkBlock)(Foo *bp) = ^(Foo *bp){
        // If your block accesses a scoped variable that is not marked with __block, it will
        // retain it, so here capturedVariable and bp would be retained by the block
        capturedVariable.aProperty = 5.0;
        bp.aProperty = 10.0;

        // As you can see, you can modify the objects all you like.        
        // What you cannot do is assign something to capturedVariable or bp because they
        // were not marked as __block
        // WONT WORK
        capturedVariable = [Foo new];

        // However, you can write to blockVariable because it is marked as __block
        // WORKS
        blockVariable = [Foo new];
        // Remember, though that the block will not retain this variable itself because
        // of the __block 

    // Note, it's weird for the block to take a parameter since it could just access the
    // variable directly.  This just serves to show how a block would handle a parameter.