
时间:2012-11-09 12:00:09

标签: java generics map

以下场景要解决:我需要创建一个类,它将返回或存储一个Fruit of Fruits,具体取决于给定的id + classtype。所以我在质疑自己,Collection要使用,如果我能够将所有水果清单存储在同一个Collection中以获得简单性。我试图单独HashMap尝试存储所有列表,因为键值原则听起来很熟悉我的用例,只是它可能需要一些更复杂的键,因为我需要两个方面(在我的case id和fruits class),以识别价值。


class FruitKey
  int                     id;
  Class<? extends Fruits> type;

  public FruitKey( int id, Class<? extends Fruits> type )
    this.id = id;
    this.type = type;

  //equals, hashcode, etc.

在创建Map<FruitKey, List<? extends Fruits>>之后,推杆工作完美无缺,但当然当我尝试将我的FruitLists从地图中取出时,我无法保证特定的水果类型并且必须投射结果:

public static void main( String[] args )
  Map<FruitKey, List<? extends Fruits>> fruitMap = new HashMap<>();

  Apple oneApple = new Apple();
  List<Apple> manyApples = new ArrayList<>();
  manyApples.add( oneApple );

  fruitMap.put( new FruitKey( 1, Apple.class ), manyApples);

  //Any way to avoid typesafty and cast?
  List<Apple> myApples = (List<Apple>) fruitMap.get( new FruitKey( 1, Apple.class ) );



List<Apple> apples = SomeCollection.get( Key(id, Apple.class) );


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public final class SomeCollection {

     private Map<FruitKey<? extends Fruits>, List<? extends Fruits>> fruitMap = new HashMap<>();

     //safe cast
     public <T extends Fruits> List<T> get(FruitKey<T> key)
         return (List<T>) fruitMap.get(key);

     public <T extends Fruits> void put(FruitKey<T> key, List<T> fruits)
         fruitMap.put(key, fruits);


class FruitKey<T extends Fruits>
   int                     id;
   Class<T> type;

   public FruitKey( int id, Class<T> type )
      this.id = id;
      this.type = type;


您还可以在Key<T>中创建一个内部类SomeCollection,其中包含一个FruitKey的购物篮以及相应的hashCodeequals。< / p>

private Map<Key<? extends Fruits>, List<? extends Fruits>> fruitMap = new HashMap<>();

//safe cast
public <T extends Fruits> List<T> getBasket(T fruit)
    Key<T extends Fruit> = new Key<T>(fruit.getBasketId());
    return (List<T>) fruitMap.get(key);
//safe cast
public <T extends Fruits> List<T> getBasket(Class<T> klass, FruitKey key)
    Key<T extends Fruit> = new Key<T>(key);
    return (List<T>) fruitMap.get(key);

public <T extends Fruits> void addToBasket(T fruit, List<T> fruits)
    Key<T extends Fruit> = new Key<T>(fruit.getBasketId());
    fruitMap.put(key, fruits);