使用MsiExec和Powershell远程安装Puppet for Windows

时间:2012-11-06 15:02:52

标签: powershell teamcity powershell-v2.0 puppet

我正在尝试使用Team City和Powershell内联脚本远程安装Puppet Client for Windows。

Invoke-command –computername %Machine Host Name% –ScriptBlock {Param($options) Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe $options" -ArgumentList "/i C:\Temp\puppet-3.0.0.msi PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=%Puppet Master Server% /l*v C:\Temp\puppet-3.0.0.log /qn" -Wait –Passthru}


**[Step 2/2] Invoke-Command : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] –ScriptBlock'.
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] At line:1 char:15
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] + Invoke-command <<<<  –computername vavp-pmo-agt08 –ScriptBlock {Param($option
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] s) Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe $options -ArgumentList /i C:\Temp\puppet
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] -3.0.0.msi PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=vavt-pmo-sbx23.company.com /l*v C:\Temp\puppet
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] -3.0.0.log /qn -Wait –Passthru}
[09:08:08][Step 2/2]     + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-Command], Parameter 
[09:08:08][Step 2/2]    BindingException
[09:08:08][Step 2/2]     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell 
[09:08:08][Step 2/2]    .Commands.InvokeCommandCommand
[09:08:08][Step 2/2]  
[09:08:08][Step 2/2] Process exited with code 1**


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



 $msi = [wmiclass]"$localcommand"
 $result=$msi.Install('Path to yourmsi\Yourmsi-1.0.0.msi', "quiet=true", $true)


答案 1 :(得分:1)




1 download puppet gpl client for windows, which is a msi file 2 install Orca from MS , it is ...
2 install Orca from MS , it is free
3 whith Orca, edit the Msi
4. go to the Property categ, you will see there the Puppet server value
5. edit and save
6. create the gpo to distribute it. Remember that computer soft installs on reboot.

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Invoke-command -computername %puppet.client.host% -ScriptBlock {Param($options) Start-Process -Wait -Passthru -FilePath "msiexec.exe $options" -ArgumentList "/i C:\Temp\puppet-3.0.0.msi PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=%env.puppet.master% /l*v C:\Temp\puppet-3.0.0.log /qn"}