我们有一个名为“Build Reported”的自定义字段,它是一个文本字段。它的值如'4.7.323H','5.1.123L','3.1.456E'等。
JQL函数原型:searchIssues('Build Integrated','>','4.7.323B')
要做到这一点,我正在触发一个JQL查询,它为我提供了针对所有问题的Build报告,然后我遍历每个问题并执行char-by-char比较以确定当前问题的Build Reported版本大于用户指定的值。这似乎需要很长时间才能执行,因为我必须从jira数据库中检索所有问题。
// Get all the arguments
java.util.List args = operand.getArgs();
CustomField cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName((String)args.get(0));
Long cfID = cf.getIdAsLong();
String operator = (String)args.get(1);
String userVersion = (String)args.get(2);
String jiraVersion = "";
java.util.List issues;
Iterator issuesIterator;
Issue issue;
issues = getAllIssues(user, interestedInVersion, cfID);
issuesIterator = issues.iterator();
// Iterate over all the issues
issue = (Issue)issuesIterator.next();
// Get the Build reported value
jiraVersion = (String)issue.getCustomFieldValue(cf);
if(jiraVersion != null &&
// Compare user-specified version to the one retrieved from database
if(compareVersions(jiraVersion, userVersion, operator))
// Add the issue to the result set
literals.add(new QueryLiteral(operand, issue.getId()));
// cfID is the ID for the custom field Build Reported
private java.util.List getAllIssues(User user, Long cfID) throws SearchException, ParseException
JqlQueryBuilder builder = JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
Query query = builder.buildQuery();
SearchResults results = searchService.search(user, query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter());
return results.getIssues();
答案 0 :(得分:1)
public java.util.List getValues(@NotNull QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext, @NotNull FunctionOperand operand, @NotNull TerminalClause terminalClause)
// User
User user = queryCreationContext.getUser();
// Args
java.util.List args = operand.getArgs();
CustomField cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName((String)args.get(0));
Long cfID = cf.getIdAsLong();
String operator = (String)args.get(1);
String userVersion = (String)args.get(2);
// Locals
java.util.List literals = new java.util.LinkedList();
MutableIssue issue = null;
String issueId = "";
String jiraVersion = "";
// DB
Connection conn = null;
String url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://*****:*****/jiradb";
String driver = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver";
String userName = "*******";
String password = "*******";
String sqlQuery = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);
// Get all the issues that has the custom field set
sqlQuery = " SELECT t2.id AS IssueId, t1.stringvalue AS JiraVersion " + "\n" +
" FROM jiradb.jiraschema.customfieldvalue t1 " + "\n" +
" INNER JOIN jiradb.jiraschema.jiraissue t2 " + "\n" +
" ON t1.issue = t2.id " + "\n" +
" WHERE t1.customfield = " + Long.toString(cfID) + " " + "\n" +
" AND t1.stringvalue IS NOT NULL " + "\n" +
" AND t1.stringvalue != '' " + "\n" +
" AND t2.pkey LIKE 'SDEV-%' ";
// Iterate over the result set
statement = conn.createStatement();
resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sqlQuery);
while (resultSet.next())
issueId = resultSet.getString("IssueId");
jiraVersion = resultSet.getString("JiraVersion");
// Compare the version from jira with the user provided version
// This is my own function that does char-by-char comparison
if(compareVersions(jiraVersion, userVersion, operator))
// Get the issue object to add to the result
issue = ComponentManager.getInstance().getIssueManager().getIssueObject(Long.parseLong(issueId));
// Add the issue to the result
literals.add(new QueryLiteral(operand, issue.getId()));
// Return all the matching issues here
return literals;
catch(Exception e)
// Exception handling
return null;
issue in searchIssues('Build Reported', '>', '5.1.104');