
时间:2012-10-31 20:54:33

标签: ms-access automation access-vba report




Option Compare Database

Public Sub Log_Report()

'System definitions
Dim dbs As DAO.database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rep As [Report_Custom MARS Report]

'Original report sources
Dim Text267 As String
Dim TableName As String
Dim Company_Name As String
Dim ReportID As String

'Summary table destination
Dim ID As Integer
Dim Date_Created As Date
Dim Source As String
Dim Title As String
Dim report_ID As String
Dim Attachment As Attachment

End Sub



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果为报表设置的记录是单行,则使用on load事件来读取字段并将其分配给变量会相对容易。所有计算都是在Report_Load事件触发时完成的,然后您可以将它们用作将值写入汇总表的函数的输入。

'Code to placed in a public function
'strVar = text267 'is ReportID = report_ID ? 
'Unfortunately I have no experience with attachments, sorry

function writeReportSummary(intID as Integer, dtmDate_Created as Date, strSource as String, strTitle as string, strReportID as string, strVar as string, strTableName as string, strCompanyName as string, attAttachment as attachment) AS boolean

Dim strSQL as string
On error goto Err_Handler

strSQL = "INSERT INTO summary( ID, Date_Created, Source, Title, report_ID, Text267, tableName, Company_Name, ReportID) SELECT """ & intID & """ , """ & dtmDate & """;" 'etc
CurrentDb.execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Debug.print CurrentDB.recordsAffected & ": Record(s) Inserted at " & now()
writeReportSummary = True
Exit function

debug.print err.number
debug.print err.description
writeReportSummary = false
end function

'Code to be placed in Report_load'
Sub Report_Load

if Not(writeReportSummary(intID, dtmDate, etc)) then debug.print "Failed to write report to summary table"

End Sub