
时间:2012-10-31 13:57:25

标签: excel-vba web-scraping vba excel

有人在这里帮助我说如何使用Excel VBA从第三方应用程序读取嵌套的html表值?作为一个例子,我粘贴了HTML源代码的一部分,我想要读取所有的值,并希望将它存储到excel中。但是这里所有都是他们使用的嵌套表,而且这些表也没有任何名称在我见过的html源代码中。

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="data">
<tr class="colhead">
<th colspan="3">Expression</th>
<tr class="colhead">
<tr class="rowLight">
<td width="40%">        
Location Attributes:  LOC - Sub Commodity
<td width="20%">
<td width="40%">
<tr class="rowDark">
<td width="40%">
Location Attributes:  LOC - Commodity Tier1
<td width="20%">
<td width="40%">
Advertising, Sales &amp; Promotion

谢谢, 奥雅纳

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Option Explicit 

Sub TableExample() 
    Dim IE As Object 
    Dim doc As Object 
    Dim strURL As String 

    strURL = "[URL="http://example.comwww.dectech.org/football/index.php"]http://example.com[/URL]" ' replace with URL of your choice

    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 
    With IE 
         '.Visible = True

        .navigate strURL 
        Do Until .ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 
            Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop 
                Set doc = IE.Document 
                GetAllTables doc 

            End With 
        End Sub 

        Sub GetAllTables(doc As Object) 

             ' get all the tables from a webpage document, doc, and put them in a new worksheet

            Dim ws As Worksheet 
            Dim rng As Range 
            Dim tbl As Object 
            Dim rw As Object 
            Dim cl As Object 
            Dim tabno As Long 
            Dim nextrow As Long 
            Dim I As Long 

            Set ws = Worksheets.Add 

            For Each tbl In doc.getElementsByTagName("TABLE") 
                tabno = tabno + 1 
                nextrow = nextrow + 1 
                Set rng = ws.Range("B" & nextrow) 
                rng.Offset(, -1) = "Table " & tabno 
                For Each rw In tbl.Rows 
                    For Each cl In rw.Cells 
                        rng.Value = cl.outerText 
                        Set rng = rng.Offset(, 1) 
                        I = I + 1 
                    Next cl 
                    nextrow = nextrow + 1 
                    Set rng = rng.Offset(1, -I) 
                    I = 0 
                Next rw 
            Next tbl 


        End Sub 

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Sub ReadHTMLtable()
Dim htmldb As New ADODB.Connection
Dim htmlcmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

With htmldb
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=Z:\filename.html;Extended Properties=""HTML Import;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"""
End With

Set htmlcmd.ActiveConnection = htmldb
htmlcmd.CommandType = adCmdText
htmlcmd.CommandText = "Select * from [table]"
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rs.Open htmlcmd

'process rs here

End Sub


答案 2 :(得分:0)

这需要将引用设置为Microsoft HTML Object LibraryMicrosoft Internet Controls

Sub Extract_TD_text()

    Dim URL As String
    Dim IE As InternetExplorer
    Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument
    Dim TDelements As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim TDelement As HTMLTableCell
    Dim r As Long

    'Saved from www vbaexpress com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=17
    URL = "your file pathe/URL"

    Set IE = New InternetExplorer

    With IE
        .navigate URL
        .Visible = True

        'Wait for page to load
        While .Busy Or .readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Wend

        Set HTMLdoc = .document
    End With

    Set TDelements = HTMLdoc.getElementsByTagName("TD")


    r = 1
    For Each TDelement In TDelements
        'Look for required TD elements - this check is specific to VBA Express forum - modify as required
            If TDelement.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Title = "table you want's title" Then
                Sheet1.Range("A1").Offset(r, 0).Formula = "=" & Chr(34) & TDelement.innerText & Chr(34)
                r = r + 1
            End If

    Set IE = Nothing  
End Sub

我的基础是this page

答案 3 :(得分:0)

我全神贯注地寻找这个问题的答案。我终于找到了实际上通过录制宏的解决方案。我知道,你们都认为自己超越了这一点,但这实际上是最好的方式。请在此处查看完整帖子:http://automatic-office.com/?p=344 简而言之,您想要录制宏并转到数据 - &gt;从网站导航到您的网站并选择您想要的表格 我过去使用了上面的解决方案“get element by id”类型的东西,它对于一些元素来说很棒,但是如果你想要一个完整的表,并且你没有超级经验,只需记录一个宏。 不要告诉你的朋友,然后重新格式化它看起来像你自己的工作,所以没有人知道你使用宏工具;)


Sub Macro1()
 With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
 “URL;http://w1.weather.gov/obhistory/KFRI.html”, Destination:=Range(“$D$4″))
 .Name = “KFRI”
 .FieldNames = True
 .RowNumbers = False
 .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
 .PreserveFormatting = True
 .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
 .BackgroundQuery = True
 .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
 .SavePassword = False
 .SaveData = True
 .AdjustColumnWidth = True
 .RefreshPeriod = 0
 .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
 .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
 .WebTables = “4″
 .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
 .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
 .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
 .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
 .WebDisableRedirections = False
 .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
 End With
 End Sub


答案 4 :(得分:0)

这是另一种方式。棘手的是,如果你有一个嵌套的表,你必须 获取父容器是否为div,表。在IE或Chrome中使用F12开发人员工具,让您顺利完成工作。在下面的示例中,有一个包含表的div。在问题中给出的示例中,有一个包含表的表,因此您必须找到该父表并使用与此类似的代码来获取子表。希望有所帮助。

     stabledata = ""
     Set oTbl = odiv.getElementsByTagName("TABLE").Item(0)
     Set oThead = odiv.getElementsByTagName("THEAD").Item(0)
     Set oTRows = oThead.getElementsByTagName("TR").Item(0)
     Set oTds = oTRows.getElementsByTagName("TH")

     For Each oTd In oTds

        stabledata = stabledata & oTd.innertext & Chr(9)

     Next oTd
     stabledata = stabledata & vbCrLf
     Set oTBody = odiv.getElementsByTagName("TBODY").Item(0)
     Set oTRows = oTBody.getElementsByTagName("TR")
     For Each oTRow In oTRows
        Set oTds = oTRow.getElementsByTagName("TD")
        For Each oTd In oTds

            stabledata = stabledata & oTd.innertext & Chr(9)

        Next oTd

        stabledata = stabledata & vbCrLf

     Next oTRow