qt qml:水平淡化图像(即从左到右...不是整个图像)

时间:2012-10-30 12:22:06

标签: qt qml

enter image description here我使用PathLine一次水平显示3张图像。 左右图像需要显示为从左侧和右侧褪色50%。 50%从右边消失。 在这里,我不能使用黑色矩形渐变来显示淡入淡出效果,因为我的父母是20%透明&它漂浮在背景视频上。


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使用QML ShaderEffectItem element,您可以使用着色器程序将后效果添加到QML项目。这使您可以在GPU上执行一些图形效果。



import QtQuick 1.0
import Qt.labs.shaders 1.0

Item {
    width: 300
    height: 300

    id: wrapper

    Item {
        id: scene
        anchors.fill: parent
        // Here is your scene with the images ...

    ShaderEffectItem {
        anchors.fill: wrapper

        // Any property you add to the ShaderEffectItem is accessible as a
        // "uniform" value in the shader program. See GLSL doc for details.
        // Essentially, this is a value you pass to the fragment shader,
        // which is the same for every pixel, thus its name.

        // Here we add a source item (the scene) as a uniform value. Within the
        // shader, we can access it as a sampler2D which is the type used to
        // access pixels in a texture. So the source item becomes a texture.
        property variant source: ShaderEffectSource
            sourceItem: scene // The item you want to apply the effect to
            hideSource: true  // Only show the modified item, not the original

        // This is the fragment shader code in GLSL (GL Shading Language)
        fragmentShader: "
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;  // The coords within the source item
        uniform sampler2D source;         // The source item texture
        void main(void)
            // Read the source color of the pixel
            vec4 sourceColor = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0);

            // The alpha value of the mask
            float alpha = qt_TexCoord0.x; // = 0.0 at left, 1.0 at right border

            // Multiply the alpha mask on the color to be drawn:
            sourceColor *= alpha;

            // Write the pixel to the output image
            gl_FragColor = sourceColor;

着色器程序中最重要的一行是alpha变量的值。在这个小例子中,我只是将纹理坐标的X分量设置为alpha值,因此在左边界处为0,在右边界处为1.请注意,纹理坐标不是以像素为单位,而是以[ 0..1]范围。如果要访问像素坐标,可以使用gl_FragCoord.x / y。请注意,y是从下到上测量的,因此0是底部边框,height是顶部边框。默认情况下,您无法访问整个结果图像的height,但因此我们可以使用制服。只需指定一个新的property int h: height,然后在着色器中使用uniform float h访问它。